Chapter: 839
Yet there were really not many left.

Four roots cut meant four groups had to be created - each of them being approximately five to six knights strong.

However, they wouldn’t need to travel far to find that the cut flesh-roots were just out of sight of the castle, and much closer compared to the other times Jay had cut the roots.

Essentially, there was not much time.

Jay’s second part of the plan was about to start, and it was the most risky too.

While the knights were assembling into whatever groups they could, the skeletons were sprinting back to Jay.

Once the skeletons were all gathered, Jay simply waited until the perfect moment.

Soon enough, the perfect moment presented itself as the four small groups of knights each started their march towards the four freshly-cut flesh-roots.

This plan was the most dangerous Jay had devised so far, and it was a one-way ticket, but Jay believe he would be able to pull it off as the knights really were not that smart. At least not strategically intelligent anyway.

All this time, they had only dealt with pathetic starving villagers who could not even fight back - and if they did, well, the knights would just have more troops added to their numbers or more nutrient-rich green blood to feed their parasites; they were not at all used to fighting an organized enemy.

The skeletons had returned, covering Jay’s back as he crept forward towards the castle as quickly and quietly as he could

Soon he was closer than the four groups of knights which had just left, and that was when he broke cover and bolted in an all-out sprint.

With the skeletons at his side, Jay madly dashed towards the castle gateway.

The last light of day sluggishly died out as a covert assault force advanced on the parasite-controlled castle.

Jay dashed across the lifeless, root-covered ground as swiftly as his legs could move him.

It wasn’t long before he started passing the strange buildings which were planted around the base of the castle. As he ran past, he peered into them, glimpsing what seemed to be the familiar green fluids filling small basins.

However, there was no time to investigate, as the knight’s had noticed his presence here. A patrol of three knights had caught sight of him and his band of skeletons. Two were in pursuit, sprinting towards Jay, but the third had disappeared to find backup.

Jay didn’t send the skeletons back to deal with the pursuers, as he didn’t know what lay deeper within the castle. An army of eighty knights had left, followed by about twenty more to investigate the broken flesh-roots. But he didn’t think the enemy was foolish enough to send every single one of its troops out.

The grand castle seemed to tower over him as he drew nearer. Jay looked up as he ran under the giant iron gate, noticing it was much more rusted than the knight’s armor could ever hope to be, covered in a thick, red layer.

Through the darkness of the castle gate was an inner courtyard. Various passageways led deeper into the castle, but Jay had to ignore them for now, as there was no time to investigate.

(Hold them off here.) Jay commanded the skeletons, and each of them lined up just behind the giant gate.

Two towers made up each side of the gatehouse, each of them having stone archways for entries. As Jay’s eyes locked onto them, he sent Red in first, as he wasn’t sure if the knights could see in the darkness.

The spiral stairway twisted right as it ascended upwards into the tower, yet the sounds of fighting were already echoing from the skeletons below.

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The two knights which had chased them had died, but the sounds of swords clashing had drawn out more enemies from the depths of the castle.