Chapter: 844
Many more bones were there than necessary, as some were to form a barrier; Jay wanted to waste as much of the knight’s time as he could, and this was simply part of his strategy.

As the skeletons are all level four, they each require fourteen mana to summon. Jay only has eighty-seven mana, but having just summoned four skeletons, it left him with a measly thirty-one mana. After using the mass summoning skill, it left only three. A far stretch from the fourteen needed to raise.

“It will be worth it.” He thought, “besides, the skeletons can take turns fighting, and use their bone eater skill to stay alive… without an enemy flanking them, they will hold on.”

As for being flanked, well, Jay was counting on it. His intuition told him they were already planning it, and there was no counting on them to remain passive.

These skeletons and masses of bones being left behind were simply to buy some time for his mana to regenerate; if he was stuck inside this castle with dwindling mana, well, he would not last long.

However, this chamber was an excellent choke point, and his skeletons would reap some easy exp without effort.

Jay went back to his staircase and topped up the bones again, then continued with his plan.

(Blue.) Jay called.

The skeleton rushed over, kneeling before its master and showing honor, even in this desperate situation.

“I’ll be taking Red with me and leaving. Hold this position as long as you can. When there’s only two of you left, I want you to retreat that way. Try to lure them as far as possible.” Jay pointed past the mass summoning bone well he just created.

“It might be good to split up when you retreat to confuse them even more.” Jay said suggestively.

“Red and I will go the opposite way.” Jay pointed to the empty passageway on the other side, free of any bones or signs that a necromancer may be there. Neither did it have the sickly green glow of a necrotic mana well.

Blue bowed its head, accepting its duty with honor.

“Hmm, I better make use of my rearguard.” Jay thought.

​ “Blue, let Sweeper do what it wants to with these.” He said, and many bones appeared, all of them oddly uniform in both shape and size.

Jay dropped all of Sweeper’s defensive spikes on the ground; they were simple stakes made to hamper an enemy’s advance.

No, Jay didn’t see how they would be useful in a flat stone passage, as there was nothing to prop them up, but he believed in his skeletons, and thought Sweeper would make the most of them.

Jay waited longer, periodically checking below the gate enclosure to see if the intelligent knights were still making plans or if they had left to execute their missions yet. In the meantime, he simply let his mana regenerate while many knights perished to the skeletons guarding the stairs.

[1840 Exp] (16 knights eliminated)

With the situation stable, Jay analyzed one of these knights.

< [Security Staff - Level 4] > (Parasitized)

[Type - Human, Parasite, Clone]

[50 HP]

< [Skills] >

[Pheromone Sanctity] (Parasite)