Chapter: 847
“Damn. Something found us.� Jay thought.

(Red, if there’s only one, don’t let it escape.)

Jay moved forward slowly, and his shield squeezed his arm.

Something was here.

Cautiously moving to the side of the passage away from the arrow slits, Jay concealed himself in the darkness and readied his sword.

Familiar sounds of armored boots approached.

“Sounds like there’s only one.� Jay thought.

A subtle shine of armor passed by the light coming through one arrow slit, and Jay could tell it was alone - but where did Red go?


[115 Exp]

Sounds of crashing armor filled the empty passage before silence returned.

“There’s Red.� Jay nodded.

Red returned and guided Jay to the enemy corpse. It was a knight wielding a sword and shield, meaning it was of the intelligent variety.

Jay continued past, moving deeper into the castle, but now he had a problem. Discovering the dead body would be a matter of time, as the other knights would notice it was missing.

“Damn. I didn’t want them to know we came through here, and the corpse will probably cause a search to be conducted on this side of the castle.� He frowned.

“We’ll just have to keep moving. It was only a matter of time, anyway.�

Jay and Red pressed on through the passageways, going through the wall. They passed by a few stairs and ladders going up and down, but they only led to the top of the wall, while others led to empty rooms and pits; some filled with siege ammunition, while others featured more arrow slits for archers to fire through.

Jay received a few more exp notifications from knights dying, but no skeletons had fallen yet.

After a few investigations, Jay stopped exploring these areas, saving his time. The duo encountered no more knights until they came to another passage branching off the one they were walking through, away from the wall.

“This is it. The entrance to the castle.�

The new passage was much taller and had a decorative arch as its entrance. A faint leaf-green glow came flowing out of the passage, and two dark silhouettes stood guard.

“Two more knights. Damn. But are they the lesser or intelligent type?� Jay wondered.

Not wanting to walk endlessly through the dark wall passageway anymore, Jay decided it would be better to fight.

Since Red was proficient at piercing their spines, and held an advantage in the darkness, Jay decided to be the bait.

“Hmm, but if one turns to get backup... well, we better not let that happen.�