Chapter: 852
Jay hovered around the exit of the passage, sticking close to the wall as he watched the knights he was following.

Together, they marched around the stone balcony and soon entered a door in the wall, which had a root trailing from underneath it. As they entered, Jay glimpsed another one of the root-basins just before they closed the door.

“A basin room.” Jay thought.

Jay peered around the rest of the balcony, and many other doors similarly had roots trailing into them.

“There must be a basin behind each door, along with its own pair of knights.”


Suddenly, a winy screech of a door opening resounded.

It was right next to Jay.

Without a second thought, Jay dashed back to the passage, hiding himself in its corner.

Two more knights appeared, a fresh patrol.

“Shit. If they come this way…”

The door closed with another squeak of old hinges and the marching started.

Each step was getting closer.

(Red, get ready.)

Two knights came around the entrance to the passage, but two shields appeared, charging directly at them.

No time to react. The shields heavily smashed into their chests.

Tipped backwards in their heavy armor, they had no choice but to stumble backwards to find their balance… thankfully, a sturdy stone balcony rail broke their fall.

Yet the shield-smashing enemies were not done. As they reeled over the edge, the bastards grabbed their boots, pulling them upward.

The knights tried to pull back, and for a moment, it worked. Their own strength and the weight of the armor helped to keep their feet grounded.

Suddenly, Jay dropped a boot of the knight, ignoring the enemy as he went to help Red, pulling their boot up, and finally the knight went over the balcony, falling to its death.

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The second knight brought its sword down on Jay’s head, landing a strike on Jay’s T-visor helmet and causing his mind to shake.


A considerably small amount of damage to a level twelve necromancer, but it wasn’t something Jay could ignore.

Jay staggered back while Red took to sparring the enemy. Its sword expertly landed within the knight’s neck and guts, splashing green fluid with wriggling parasites everywhere.