Chapter: 854
(Red, help me with the body.)

Grabbing a boot, Jay pulled the corpse out of the room and onto the edge of the balcony. It was the only safe part of the knight to touch.

A few moments later, and the lifeless body was tossed over the edge.

Jay peered over the edge now, taking a chance to see just how deep this chamber was.


The bottom was much lower than ground level, and he had not even heard the echo of the first knight slamming into the ground. It became dark further down, but there was more light at the bottom of the shaft.

*Ptoi! ~* Jay spat, giving into his impulses.

For a moment he watched his spit, but it soon got too tiny to see, and so he lost interest.

“Alright. We have more important things to do.” He whispered.

(Grab some of those jars and start emptying them around the doors and passageways. We’re going to break their patrol network.)

Red nodded and began splashing the luminous liquid all over the balcony.

After a while, half of the luminous jars had been used up and emptied; the whole balcony now filled with a light mist, though it quickly dispersed when Jay decided they had opened enough.

Returning to the passage, Jay waited and watched his work, and it didn’t take long before some knights appeared.

A door across the gap opened. Two knights marched out.

“Here we go.” Jay grinned.

They walked along the balcony and halted, looking confused for a moment.

“You’re grounded, bitches. Back to your room.”

With nowhere else to go, they both turned around and returned to their room, as if they were responding to Jay’s orders.

“It really is that simple.” Jay shook his head.

[345 Exp]

[Your skeleton has been slain.]

They slew more enemies at the gatehouse, though they had taken another skeleton out, now using their last bone well summon.

In total, Jay had gained three percent chimera research, bringing it up to thirty-one percent - though Jay was more concerned with his perishing skeletons and the time he had left.

“Not much longer.” Jay thought, anticipating the downfall of the defensive skeletons.

Following the roots, he noticed most of them leading through a larger passageway into another chamber.