Chapter: 859
Walking out through the hallway, he stood in the basin room again; the dead, naked bodies still bleeding everywhere.

“I have to get out of this fucking place… out of this dungeon,” Jay whispered to himself.

“I’m used to guts and blood, but that was something… something that I won’t forget.”

Glancing at the staircase, Jay considered leaving, but then turned back and glanced at the hallway behind. For a few moments, his eyes lingered, but soon decided against putting them out of their misery.

“Their deaths may cause an alarm. If the knights know I’m this deep into the castle, there’s no telling what they’ll do to stop me.” He thought, “Besides, the dungeon will just reset when I finish it.”

With no other options, Jay walked to the stairs and left the floor. It was a floor among many that he would pass by as he followed the root, descending deeper into this horrible castle.

[Your skeleton has been slain.]

[115 Exp]

Another skeleton died, taking an enemy with it.

“Looks like they’re about to lose the gatehouse. I’m surprised they held on as long as they did.” Jay thought with an approving nod; It pleased him having such reliable companions.

“They bought me enough time to travel through the wall, enter the castle, destroy their patrol paths, and descend. All while recovering my mana pool.”

During the journey, Jay had consumed some bondtussle root for some extra mana regeneration, and he had sixty-two mana.

In one sense, it pleased Jay that his plan had worked so well. The plan displaced most of the knights remaining in the castle, and if he had to guess, were closer to the surface levels while he was, hopefully, deeper down.

Jay continued down the spiral staircase, passing by a few empty dark rooms and reaching the bottom.

However, it wasn’t the bottom floor. The staircase ended in a tight passage, with luminous jars lining either side. Jay emptied a few to ruin their scent-paths, and continued along, coming to the top of another staircase.

“Ah… more damn stairs?” he frowned with a sigh.

Having some rations and some water, he prepared his legs and mind for more stairs.

As he and Red stood still, Jay noticed a faint sound coming up from the lower staircase. Jay instantly recognised this familiar sound, and it was getting closer, louder...

“Marching… more knights are coming from below.”

[230 Exp]

The skeletons in the gatehouse held on as they fought a losing battle, providing Jay with much needed exp and a distraction.

However, their numbers now dwindled to three.

The skeletons were only becoming better; not only at slaying the knights but better fighters. Finding weak points and gaps in their armor, dealing with their sub-par swordsmanship, and working together to fight them back while taking turns to eat bones and recover.

The knights provided the perfect training dummies for the skeletons, who were still growing their minds and learning. Unlike humans, they could also make dire mistakes, take risks and go all-out, which made them learn much faster, and ultimately, more vicious opponents to face.

Jay thought about summoning the fallen skeleton back, but decided to wait until his mana was full. Another skeleton would just get in the way and cause more noise, and the less sound he made, the better.