Chapter: 880
[Construct Scavenging]

- The construct steals the parts of its enemies to rebuild or reinforce itself.

[Elder Tree Conduit] (Passive)

- Sustained by a greater being.

- Immortal as long as it remains connected.

- 1% HP regeneration per second

- Immobile.

[Sleeper] (Passive)

- Does not work. Does not hunt. Only waits.


[The Ova is not alive, but it is not dead either. Its body is composed of colonies of living roots working together, which account for more biomass than the human flesh they inhabit, and it is more closely related to puppet types than a pure construct. They have discarded most of the human parts, or let them rot away, and it's a wonder why the living roots need the flesh at all. Perhaps they have not discovered how to make bodies on their own, and we can only hope they never do.]

Jay thought about how much damage he and his minions could do. "Hmm, the health regeneration will give it two health per second, but there are enough skeletons to ignore it. The poison won't do any harm to them, either. The problem is its scavenging ability… there's no telling how dangerous it is." Jay thought, watching it.

The Ova had no eyes; curling tendrils of roots poked out instead. The room was wide enough for Jay to pass by it, but there was no telling how many more of these enemies were hiding under the bed of roots. For now, it would be safer to take it out.

(Blue, you handle this one.)

Blue nodded, and the skeletons stepped off the stairs, onto the root-covered floor.

Jay couldn't see the ground, but based on the height of the room above, guessed that the roots would be about up to his knees if he could touch it.

The four skeletons walked towards the enemy and encircled it; one on each side. A simple but effective tactic they had used before: strike when it turns its back.

The Ova lashed out, not liking this cheap strategy. Swiping its claw-like fingers, and spatters of poison landed on the skeletons.

Its claws whistled through the air to little effect. Harmless unless they approached.

It could do little against the skeletons, and without its back covered, a hacking sword landed on its back.

Sweeper cleaved away a chunk of its flesh with chips of wood mixed in.

Jay analysed the enemy, tracking its health. The first hit did ten damage. A small piece of the enemy's 208 health, and already it was regenerating. Five seconds would be all it took to be whole again, yet Jay noted the damage of the skeleton's attack was exactly ten.

"Ah… so the skeletons can make level two swords?" Jay thought, "It's nice to see them learning in all areas."

Jay himself could make twelve-damage swords, as he could craft them as level three, but right now, it's better to save his mana for summoning.

Two more skeletons landed blows, escaping unscathed by the spire claws of the Ova.