Chapter: 887
Slowly, and almost tenderly, he fed bones to Sweeper, whose lower body parts were growing back.

Behind the small party of seven, seven including the helminth, were three Ova - two of which were level five. These three were the only barrier between them and the coming enemy.

The knights were coming; sounds of their thick, clanging armor and heavy marching growing louder.

Time is running out, and Jay has to move.

Yet in this decisive moment, he stopped the skeletons, halting their advance.

(Red, give me your armor.) he ordered.

Despite the obvious tactical disadvantage of having no armor, Red didn't question its master, and unequipped the squire armor, giving it all to Jay.

"Good." He said, stashing it in his inventory.

(Blue. Go ahead by yourself. Lamp, follow at a distance,) he ordered.

Slowly, Blue moved through the room, yet it lowered its head, gazing at the floor below, ready for whatever may spring up.

It walked across the roots, each step delicate and light as it expected the roots to open up and spit out another Ova to fight them.

However, nothing happened. Blue reached the end of the room without incident. It turned back and gazed at Jay, wonder glowing through its ghostly green eyes.

Another few moments, and Lamp was at its side, gazing back at Jay.

"So, it was a matter of weight. Basically, this entire floor is like a natural pressure-plate. If I'm light enough, I should be able to walk through without incident." He nodded with a grin.

It caused Jay to feel a little more relaxed, having figured out how to pass by the Ova without waking them up from their root coffins.

(Red, now you go.) Jay ordered while still feeding Sweeper.

Sweeper had reformed its body down to the knees and would soon be whole again. However, the knights had finally reached the observation chamber; their clunking boots ringing through the chamber.

"Fuck." Jay thought and stared towards the back of the room.

In seconds, five of the intelligent knights were rushing down the stairs, with many more to follow.

The sounds of the knights grew louder, too. Many were following. The entire army was coming.

However, for a moment, the intelligent knights hesitated on the stairs - just before stepping foot onto the roots - that was, until they spotted Jay and the skeletons.

Jay could not see into their helmets, but he could feel their burning gazes piercing through him; he felt their vengeful wrath. And it was to be expected.

The knight stared fiercely at Jay as its thoughts spiralled into bitter hate.


Within the last twenty-four hours, this bothersome being had cut off their nutrient gathering operations on the surface, severing the link to the flesh-pits. We sent many knights into the forest to investigate, but found nothing but our dead kin; wasting our time. One village had gained full armor due to him leaving the corpses behind.