Chapter: 892
Master saved Sweeper.

Sweeper pushed its skull against the ground and limped back to its feet, returning to a sprint across the roots.

It hastily dashed past another single Ova, and finally, it made it back to its master.

"Ah, very nice. Quite entertaining. Well done, Sweeper." Jay smiled, holding out more bones for it to consume.

Jay glanced back through the room, assessing the number of Ova guardians he had awoken.

"Hmm, about fifteen of them, but I'm guessing there will be more hiding under the surface that will awaken when the knights come through." He thought, "Plenty of time to investigate the next room."

Turning to glance into the next room, he could see more details of the giant head.

Numerous green veins and white arteries were covering over its pumping head like a fishing net. Despite being the shape of a giant head, it had muscles travelling through it; each of them lean and defined.

"Even though it has eyes, it almost seems like a heart rather than a head. Perhaps it's a mix of both?" Jay thought.

The skeletons moved first, followed by Jay and Red, entering the enormous circular chamber, which seemed much larger from down here than from the observation deck high above.

It could hardly be called a room, and was more like a cavern; it seemed like they had carved a whole hill out of here.

Jay guessed that perhaps the entire adventurer association would fit inside, along with the palisade wall surrounding it. If he were to throw a stone with all his might, it would not reach halfway across the room.

The enormous head still ignored them, continuing to pump the green fluid through the root system, and each time its forehead pulsed, Jay felt a gentle breeze waving backwards and forwards.

"I wonder if severing the roots of the castle affected it?" Jay scratched his chin.

The room itself smelt fresh, as if he were in a forest, and apart from the noise of the fighting knights and Ova behind them, there was only a subtle, deep beating sound that came from the head, sounding more like a ticking clock than a heartbeat.

Jay still had to feed some bones to Sweeper to grow back its arms, so he took a moment to analyze and think things through.

Above them on the observation deck, a flurry of knights rushed over. The unending masses of knights were coming, not only to secure their castle, but now, for revenge.

Jay glanced back into the room he had just come through, seeing more Ova awaken and arise from their root coffins below as they responded to the oncoming wave of knights. As for how long they will last against the raging knights, Jay could only guess.

"Alright… let's get this over with." He thought, turning back to the giant head.

The head was still staring into a portal at the back-right side of the room, ignoring his presence. The portal had a silver-mirror surface which seemed to ripple like water as a root pumped the milky substance through it. There was no telling what was on the other side, or what was sending the milky-white fluid through.

Jay sent Lamp and Handy around the edge of the circular room towards the portal, firstly to see if any more Ova were in here.

Lamp and Handy were cautious at first, plodding along slowly, but seeing it was calm, they sped up to a brisk walk, and eventually they were running, travelling around the edge of the room where the roots met the wall.

"Hmm, so no Ova here?" Jay raised a brow.

With Sweeper back to full form, he sent it and Blue towards the giant head in the middle of the room.

Red stayed at Jay's side as his personal guard. Jay kept Red's armor in his inventory in case it died, not wanting to lose it in this dungeon; the blueprints were more important to him than a temporary advantage.