Chapter: 897
"Well, I guess I have a moment to spectate." Jay's lips curled.

The tentacle, sensing something drawing near, swayed slightly from side to side as it prepared for the approaching enemy.

The knight charged into the trap without realizing, into range of the tentacle.

Perhaps the tentacle was simply too still for the knight to notice, or maybe the giant head and its fleshy-root tentacles were off-limits for the knights. They relied on it for the green fluids, after all.

Either way, it didn't matter. The tentacle was already falling.

It was too late.


The tentacle slammed down with full force.

It hit even harder this time, making up for the attacks it had missed previously.

Green blood splattered everywhere - some from the tentacle, some from the floor, and some from the crushed knight.

After a few moments, the tentacle moved back, pulling itself back into its attack position.

Jay, curious as he was, climbed onto the root to see the sorry state of the knight.

"Damn…" he shook his head.

Embedded into the roots, the tentacle had completely flattened its armor, leaving it sitting in a pool of the green fluid.

It had crushed everything to oblivion.

Yet the tentacle was not finished.

"Ah fuck not again." Jay grimaced slightly.


He took no pleasure in seeing the squished guts of the corpse being splattered to pieces even further.

With a sigh, he turned away, checking on Blue and Sweeper.

Each of them had just made it back near the head, and another tentacle root raised up in response.

However, before it could fully form, they were already gone, running out of its range and making their way around the outside of the head.

"Hopefully, I won't have to fight one of those tentacles, though I already see a few easy ways to bring them down." Jay thought.

He didn't want to waste time and effort, but having an attack plan would not do any harm.

Turning back to Lamp and Handy, they had carved a deep gash into the pulsing root, and the plant's flesh turned more damp.