Chapter: 900
"I wonder if they can share fighting tips with each other?" he wondered.

The skeletons returned to Jay's side to defend him. For a moment, the three of them stood there; Jay was not expecting them to slay enemies that quickly, so had no new orders for them.

Blue and Sweeper had run around most of the head, revealing a circle of the giant tentacle-like roots. Eight of them in total stood tall, arranged in a hexagon shape, all having their own white claw-like stones, all capable of being launched like trebuchets.

Unfortunately, there were no gaps in its defence, and Jay recalled Blue and Sweeper while giving new orders to the other skeletons.

(Lamp and Handy. Head through the portal and assist Red.)

(Blue, Sweeper. Defend me for the time being.)

The four skeletons switched their jobs around as Lamp and Handy disappeared into a shimmer of silver.

Jay stood atop the root and watched how everything was playing out.

More knights were making it past the Ova blockade. It was hard to tell if they were making progress on killing the Ova, or if they had simply buried them, but apparently it didn't matter.

"It won't be long till the trickle turns to a river." Jay thought.

"Hopefully, they can't follow me through the portal… but I should make sure it's safe first."

(Red, come back.) Jay ordered, jumping down off the root.

Jay then walked about 130 feet (40 meters) away from the portal and dumped bones in a line.

He lay down a semi-circle barricade of bones, hemming himself in from every side, but after a moment they disappeared, and in their place, a ring of Ova appeared.

"Seems like my guess was correct. The Ova can grow here."

All of the Ova stood within reaching distance of one another, and there were about three rows of them, creating a wall of needle-clawed guards. The only way the knights were getting past would be by much sacrifice and blood-shed.

"I'm a talented gardener." Jay smiled, watching his work unfold.

Sure, he was trapped inside, but it not a prison.

Though there was one part that caused some concern.

At the edge of the room, where the roots met the wall, the Ova were sparse. Only one Ova was at the edge of the chamber wall, causing a weak point in the defensive half-circle around the portal.

"Hmm. It will only be a problem once the intelligent knights come through." Jay thought.

The barrier formed just in time as eight knights rushed over, followed by ten more, which just fell through. They all rushed towards Jay, ignoring the fearsome flesh-root tentacle.

Despite the sheer number of knights, it didn't make Jay worry at all, as his defences took advantage of the dungeon itself, and he could easily dump more bones.

The Ova he would soon kill were, for now, his personal army.

Blue and Sweeper stood by Jay's side throughout the process, and Jay was glad to see that he didn't need to order them to not mindlessly attack the surrounding Ova.