Chapter: 93
Jay was beginning to feel like a noble brat as he could’ve easily handed the daggers to them, but decided this small gesture wasn’t even worth the energy; besides, they weren’t truly alive so it would’ve been unappreciated anyway.

“Here.” Said Jay as he handed Muffin the lamp, commanding Muffin to walk by his side while the level 2 feeble creatures acted as a vanguard of sorts, walking a few meters ahead of him on the dirt path, the level 2 creatures being slightly enshrouded in the darkness. Only Jay needed the lamp as the skeleton’s could see in the dark; a huge advantage compared to other adventurers.

The path curved along the river as the feeble creature’s bones all created echoes as they walked. It wasn’t long before a golden pair of eyes greeted the four of them from the water before causing a small splash and disappearing again. Jay was creeped out by those glowing eyes while all four of them paused and assumed a fighting stance.

Deciding to walk on the very edge of the path that was further from the water, Jay had Muffin acting as a barrier between him and the water while equipping his buckler in case something attacked from the darkness on the other side of the path; though nothing happened. Soon the path turned away from the river and descended into a crevasse in the wall.

“A little more advantageous for me” Thought Jay as he squinted, beginning to walk downhill into the narrow cavern. He could now see the walls on each side, but not the ceiling – it could’ve been either 20 meters above or hundreds of meters, there was no way to tell.

Jay equipped his own bone dagger with his buckler ready in his right hand; Muffin on his left side was holding the lamp high in it’s right hand with a bone dagger in the left hand. The level 2 feeble creature’s were prepared at the front – each dual-wielding daggers of their own and ready to pounce at the slightest movement.

“Here we go.” Jay whispered to himself, squinting at the darkness with a smile.

“Ah! Shit!” Jay’s voice echoed through the cavern system.

[-10 HP]

A wolf had its jaw clenched on Jay’s leg as it tried to drag him off into the darkness, away from the safety of his skeletons into a branching cave.

The wolf’s head was as large as a pumpkin, the beast itself was as tall as the level 2 feeble creatures and as long as a stink-rat, with a series of large, jagged nodules running down it’s back; It’s size was similar to the stink-rat Molodus. It’s sheen-black fur camouflaged it from the light.

The surprise attack would’ve worked, however the wolf quickly let go as it took poison damage by the Molodus coat – ever loyal to its owner.

Jay kicked the wolf’s head as a feeble creature jumped over him and plunged it’s dagger into the wolf’s cheek – missing the wolf’s pure-white eye which was the bone dagger’s true target. Another feeble creature soon followed up the attack and it pierced one bone dagger into its throat while the other dagger slashed a tendon in the wolf’s front leg – yet no blood came out after either of these attacks.

At this the wolf whimpered from the pain as it bit down onto a feeble creature’s arm, cracking it and tearing some of the cartilage in the elbow along with some green matter.

Jay grabbed his leg and stopped the bleeding as he watched the fight between the 2 feeble creatures and the wolf – Muffin still guarding Jay’s back while holding the lamp.

After stopping the bleeding, Jay analyzed the wolf.

<[Silt Wolf – Level 5]>

[HP] 40/40.


[Solidify] – The wolf causes its hide to turn as hard as stone, 90% immunity to all attacks excluding blunt based damage types. 10 second cooldown.

[Corundum Claws] – Ignore armour. 5 bleed damage/2 seconds. Can stack (4) times.

[Corundum Teeth] – Ignore armour. 10 crush damage. Chance to cripple for (10) seconds.


Silt wolves consume top-soil, pebbles and small stones which form its body and help it to grow – along with organic matter that help to form its various semi-organic organs. These wolves are prized for their large, cobalt-blue, shiny skulls which often become ornaments in esteemed mansions, while more rarely are made into armour due to the nature of their semi-organic bones being as light as leather, yet as tough as bronze.