Chapter: 99
[Bulwark] – 100% physical damage immunity.
The rockleaf hides in it’s solid mineral shell.
[Lash] Poison, bleed – 5 damage over 11 seconds (Can stack 4 times). Timer resets if struck again.
The rockleaf flails its tentacles at nearby enemies.
[Ecdysis Lances] – 8 Pierce damage. 2 Poison damage/sec over 5 seconds. Multiattack (3).
The rockleaf flings parts of it’s old shell at intruders.
[Aquatic] – 50% Resistance to cold, water, ice based attacks.
[Shade Vision] – Can still see clearly in the absence of light.
Generally docile creatures, one can even walk right past them and be safe – but remember one golden rule: Don’t step on them – otherwise they will bear an eternal grudge, attacking whenever one comes into range. No one knows how they sense or remember with 100% accuracy those who violate this golden rule, since they don’t have any eyes.
“I guess I need to walk past them rauther than use them as stepping stones” realising the trick to this part of the dungeon, Jay continued to have his minions fight the aggravated level 5 rockleaf gastropod. “Better finish it off so it doesn’t attack next time.”
The form of the rockleaf was hard to see, all Jay could look at was it’s large, stone-like shell along with the occasional black tentacle that left the water. It had very low health compared to other level 5 monsters, but as soon as it got below 15HP, it immediately dropped its shell, causing small waves and splashing the water as it hid inside once more.
The feeble creatures continued to attack its shell to no avail – neither the shell nor the new blue daggers seemed to be taking any damage. Jay furrowed his brow, realising there was no way to kill it after it retreated back to its shell. “Time to move on I suppose.”
Commanding his minions to stop attacking, he began to walk through the glowing purple water, intermittently gazing at the massive crystals in the ceiling reflecting back a blue light. The cobalt-blue skeleton seemed to almost blend into the surroundings as it walked through the glowing pool.
Jay decided to take a rest once he reached the other side, his health nearly halfway down while his left arm was still limp.
Following along the line of submerged rockleaf gastropods, it took about 10 minutes to cross to the other side; the water was still slightly glowing purple on Jay’s pants as he sat down, resting against the cave wall near another crevasse – the passageway to deeper parts of the abandoned quarry.
Waking up next to a lamp in a dark cave, Jay was startled awake as he found himself surrounded by three skeletons – before realising they were his own minions.
“How long was I out for…” he wondered, looking at his arm. The wound was still tender, but his left arm was functionally fine. Checking his HP, it had recovered to 57. Jay wasn’t sure what his health regeneration was but based on the dampness of his pants, he was out for a few hours.
Grabbing a stone, he threw it into the darkness, splashing into the lake as it triggered the whole lake to light up once more.
Jay sat there for a moment, captivated by the shallow lake once more as he slowly woke up.
“Hmm. It was late when I left Losla. I’ve got to do a dungeon with Mark and Kel tomorrow…” Jay looked at his skeletons, still guarding him “I probably shouldn’t risk using the skeletons… oh.. I guess they would see my class if we were in a party.” shaking his head, Jay made a decision
“…I’m just going to ‘forget’. They’ll be leaving with the military troops in a day or two anyway, so maybe I won’t even see them again. I should probably say goodbye, but… oh well.”