Chapter: 1071
“Leader Moyong, did you hear something like a scream?”
Oddly, those words bothered him a lot.
If one goes up the Great Plains and to the north, one will reach an area called Seeu.
Although the northern side of Seeu is often regarded as a place with blizzards year around, it still consisted of dense and coniferous mountains and grasslands.
Of course, it’s cold year-round, making it difficult to compare with Jianghu.
One could tell by just one look at the snow, which hasn’t melted on the peaks of the mountains.
It was cold, and it snowed often.
There was a huge lake hidden on the northern side of Seeu.
The name of the lake is Lake Baikal.
It was a huge lake incomparable to an average lake which you could find anywhere on the continent. The people who settled on Lake Baikal called it several different names.
Sacred sea.
The blue eyes on the cold earth.
There were several names, but the name most known to the people of Jianghu is Vast Lake, the sanctuary of the North Sea Ice Palace.
And inside it was a vast island.
Although the lake is enormous, the island’s total area is about 18 billion pyong (Korean unit of measurement).
It was unreasonable to dismiss such a massive island as a mere island.
That island contained shorter than average mountains and fields, and between mountain peaks on the southeast side, there was a huge palace nestled in like a fortress.
The exterior of the magnificent structure was not inferior compared to the main building of the Forces of Justice.
The un-melted white snow piled up on the red tiles made the fortress look like a castle made of snow.
People called that fortress the North Sea Ice Palace.
Just looking at it revealed beauty and tranquillity, making people feel calm, but currently, there were subtle tremors in the North Sea Ice Palace.
Not just the huge palace, but also the walls were shaking violently.
The epicenter of the tremors wasn’t that far from the North Sea Ice Palace.
The further north, the stronger the vibrations.
Further north, where the vibration was getting stronger, there was no grass, just barren land.
If you go up to the northwest, there was a place made of solid bare mountains that look like they were made up of piled soil.
This was the only place on the island which had no living things.