Chapter: 1131
It was the cry of the Dragon Turtle, which was suffering from the rays of black flames and lightning that rained on it.
All the people on the site of the North Sea Ice Palace tried to hold their balance as the land shook violently and the ground below their feet cracked.
“Run as far as you can!”
“You need to get away from that!”
At first, they were shocked by the amazing technique which unfolded in front of their eyes, and then they ran as they watched the dragon change.
Chun Yeowun’s power was beyond everyone’s imagination.
Kwaarrrrr! Crackle!
“Ugh! Split up!”
“But where are we supposed to escape to?”
The problem was that the technique was so painful for the dragon that it seemed like the Dragon Turtle was moving wildly underground.
Even the officials of the Ice Palace, who were cheering, ran away, fearing for their lives.
“It... it’s breaking everything.”
“Seven hundred years since the palace... damn it!”
If it was just the palace, they could build it once again.
However, as the ground began to break in random places, rebuilding the palace seemed impossible.
[Lightning Qi... remaining... 339... percent.]
[Lightning Qi... remaining... 335... percent.]
Nano’s voice echoed in Chun Yeowun’s mind.
Looking at how the words of Nano kept cracking, it seemed like Nano wasn’t in good condition.
‘I have already consumed most of the energy?’
Although Nano was helping him out, the Sky Flash consumed a lot more internal energy than other techniques.
Besides that, the energy drained so fast that it was making Yeowun dizzy.
Even with such an attack, it would be dangerous if the Dragon Turtle endured it.
[Lightning Qi... remaining... 203... percent.]
[Lightning Qi... remaining... 197... percent.]
It was around that time when the number displayed in augmented reality fell.
The land, which was shaking, then trembled and finally turned calm.