Chapter: 1203
Sky Demon energy rose from the suit and soon enveloped Chun Yeowun’s entire body, and this time he didn’t even look like a human figure in the Nano Suit, he looked like a demon from hell.

It was as if he saw the ferocity of a demon.

“Throw out what you stole.”

“Kuk... kuk, what?”

The moment he wondered what Chun Yeowun was saying, Sky Demon energy entered his body.



Such shocking things.

As the Sky Demon energy entered his body, the dragon’s core in his body got engulfed helplessly.

“M-My strength... Kuak.”

The greedy Sky Demon energy began to swallow it.

Since his body and Nano had already adjusted to the thunder qi, there was no hesitation in absorbing it.

‘As expected.’

It was just like how the cold qi and the flame qi were absorbed.

He didn’t know why, but the Sky Demon energy had great absorbing skills.

It was like it had some absorption technique.

“Kuaaaak! Pl-please! Stop...”

As the thunder qi began to disappear, Sang Dal became helpless. He pleaded again and again, to no avail.

‘My strength! My power... ugh!’

All of the thunder qi in his body was taken away.


Chun Yeowun felt the thunder qi entering his body.

It was permanent qi, not just temporary qi like before.

It was then.



At the sound of cracks, Chun Yeowun looked at the ice wall.

The ice wall was barely holding on. It could no longer withstand the pressure and was about to collapse.


Crack! Splash!