Chapter: 1259
The Sword Demon and Eun Jarim were concerned that the Blade God would appear again.

It was because they knew that even if the three major factions joined forces, they would still be unable to handle the Blade God if he appeared with skilled warriors.

“At that time, the thing they were worried about finally happened.”

They were beginning to appear.

No matter how secretly they moved, anyone was bound to get caught.

They realized that people of the Blade God Six Martial clan hid within the Wulin, and people tried to find them.

“We noticed it because the masters inside the Eun Jarim were starting to disappear one after the other.”

As a hidden organization, Eun Jarim consisted of a small number of masters.

As a result, when three or more masters went missing, people noticed that the Blade God’s descendants became braver.

The Blade God Six Martial clan was researching a method to teach their martial arts.

“Ahhh... then the Shaolin Master, Master Ju-am?”

At Chun Yeowun’s question, the former lord nodded his head.

Master Ju-am also belonged to Eun Jarim, and he decided to be bait.

Traces of the Extreme Art of the Blade God appeared in Anhui, Zheijiang, Jiangsu, and Master Ju-am tried to lure them out.

“As you said, Master Ju-am did a great job. It was his sacrifice which brought the first contact with those monsters.”

Saint Gu-jung was the one who told Chun Inji all that.

Chun Inji, who learned all about Eun Jarim from Gu-jung, remembered it.

He thought that perhaps helping them uncover the descendants of the Blade God might change the future of the Demonic Cult.

“Actually, I had no choice. When Gu-jung revealed it to me, he said it with the intention that I would join him.”

Saint Gu-jung, who said that he was going to the base of Eun Jarim along with the captured men, asked Chun Inji to cooperate with him.

“... I thought that it would be good for the cult.”

Too many problems in a short amount of time.

There was a saying, to scare snakes by stomping on the grass, but no one could do that, as no one knew where the descendants were even hiding.

“And that was how I turned into a member of the Eun Jarim and worked with them.”

That was twenty years ago.

More than half of the hidden secrets about the former lord Chun Inji have been revealed.

Marakim turned bitter as the story ended.

‘Lord, no, former lord, has such a sense of duty and carried that heavy burden all alone.’

It was by no means an easy task for the Lord of the Cult to give up everything and sacrifice himself.

It was something that had to be respected.