Chapter: 1333
However, he was testing them by involving their families.

‘He brought in a dilemma.’

Not just him. Even the other leaders were the same.

Fortunately, Monk Sathi and the other monks of her clan had no family members.

But everyone’s reaction indicated that they were troubled by Chun Yeowun’s words. Even Peng-gyu felt lost.


Peng-gyu didn’t know what to do as he looked at the cold gaze of Chun Yeowun.

Anything else would have been fine, but Chun Yeowun’s attempt to shake the warriors succeeded.

‘I knew he was clever, but this Lord of the Demonic Cult is really...’

Hong Palwoo shook his head.

He, the head of the Beggars Association, also didn’t have any family members.

So he was able to look at the entire situation in a broad and calm manner. This one move of Chun Yeowun was enough to divide the faction.

‘I know about the warriors, but the others...’

There were groups of voluntary soldiers and warriors who joined them.

And they were believers of justice as their ideology, but it would be impossible for them to choose death without a cause.

‘This needs to be overcome!’

They had to come up with a proper solution.

Not just Hong Palwoo but all the other leaders who were in a dilemma couldn’t speak out.

It was difficult to lay down one’s own life, but there was no way they could drive their own family to their deaths.

As thoughts rose, the ripples grew.


‘If their families are important, do we die?’

‘Even during scouting, they all spoke about sacrifice for justice, but isn’t this just plain nonsense?’

‘Such hypocrisy!’

Small whispers from all over the place could be heard.

Chun Yeowun looked at them.

It was funny that the leaders who advocated for sacrifice were in a dilemma when needed.

‘Regardless of the time or age, this never changes.’

It was like seeing the six clans of the Demonic Cult.

Giving them any more time seemed like a waste.