Chapter: 1344
That was the pills.
Originally, Sohi’s plan ended with returning those who surrendered.
But Chun Yeowun wasn’t that kind.
He made sure that the survivors wouldn’t try anything foolish just because he spared them.
A warning to the Forces of Justice.
Since more than 2000 people took the pill, the Yulin won’t even dream about revenge.
And with that, the place got cleared up.
The dead corpses were all left there, and clearing up didn’t take that long either.
“Now we head to Changbai mountain?”
At the question from Chun Inji, Chun Yeowun nodded.
Having resolved the feud with the Forces of Justice, it was time to head for Changbai Mountain.
They had to get the core of the spirit beast before the Blade God Six Martial Clan.
Easter of Shanxi.
Hwang-heol, who was wrapped in bandages, moved to the southwest.
Originally, they stayed near Changbai Mountain and tried to make the Yulin and the Demonic Cult collide, but they had no reason to even descend.
“Damn it, that Yulin!”
It was because he received a message that the other troops of the Yulin were heading for their base.
It wasn’t like the base was empty. There were more than 4000 warriors, including the future candidate for Lord, in there.
If the Yulin was trying for a measly attack, he would have ignored it, but it was said that the Yulin was taking 20,000 warriors.
Literally, the Yulin was indeed lashing out an all-out war.
“Those bastards!”
It couldn’t be overlooked anymore.
Getting the core was important, but not losing their base was even more important.
“By now, the elite ones must be near Shanxi.”
He received a message from the Potala Palace saying that they crossed the Gan Mountain.
Thanks to the alliance with the Forces of Evil, they were moving fast.
“Hurry. Otherwise...”
Their main base would be destroyed by the Forces of Justice.
The two men on horses stopped near a ridge.