Chapter: 1406
The huge body of the black tiger, which was about to swing its front paw, fell under great pressure and bent its knees as it crashed into the frozen lake.
As the massive tiger suddenly fell in, the ice shards bounced in all directions.
Wondering what was happening, there was a figure between the eyes of the giant tiger, with his fist clenched.
“God of the East!”
The Blade Lord’s eyes fluttered.
No matter how much time passed, he would never forget him.
The monster who brought in the first defeat of the Blade Lord, who was proud of his existence.
As a result, their plan was delayed.
‘God of the East!’
Twenty years had passed, but he was still the same.
Except for one thing.
‘Did he hurt his arm?’
His right arm had been injured, so he twisted it back into place, yet it still looked hurt.
Even so, seeing him take down the huge black tiger with just his left hand was still unimaginable.
‘Not just the Demon God, but even the God of the East?’
Hwang-heol, who was watching this from the other side, couldn’t hide his shock.
Twenty years ago, when they were aiming for Changbai Mountain, this man appeared.
At that time, the God of the East showed tremendous power enough to defeat the clan’s warriors with simple attacks.
It was clear then,
‘Huh? But the Demon God arrived first to defeat the monster?’
Something seemed strange.
They had been the ones who waited for Chun Yeowun to lead his clan to the entrance of the mountain, and then the Blade God Six Martial Clan made their way up.
It was so both the Demon God and the God of the East would fight and become exhausted.
This meant that the God of the East had collided with Chun Yeowun.
They looked at the God of the East’s right arm.
They were so concerned with the black tiger that they didn’t look at it, but it looked like Ark Wui was injured.
‘Does that mean he was defeated by the Demon God?’
Otherwise, he shouldn’t have been hurt like that.
Who else could even injure that monster?