Chapter: 1410
They all thought that the tiger died when it was hit by the God of the East.

But he was up again!


The huge black tiger, with its four limbs spreading wide, roared and roared.

Anger clearly visible in its red eyes.


Hwang-heol, who was about to give the order, closed his mouth.

Even the Great Bird didn’t act like this.

He was puzzled by the God of the East, who was on the neck of the large black tiger.

The fist which struck the tiger was his best.

‘You lost your core. Even then, you’re trying to survive with everything you’ve got?’

He didn’t know what was holding him up.

But it was dangerous that the tiger was overcoming physical pain and death with pure hatred and anger.


Suddenly, the hole in its chest began to regenerate. If the core was lost, the ability to regenerate would be lost too, but seeing the flesh heal, this wasn’t the work of the core.

This monster was still very much alive.


A change occurred in the dark sky, which was covered with dark clouds at its howl.

The rain stopped for a second and then became heavier.


Thunder clouds began to form, and lightning struck.


The wind moved around Changbai Mountain.

Everything around got escalated.

“What the hell?”

“Thunder and lightning?”

Everyone who saw that couldn’t hide their shocked expressions.

As if the tiger was the eye of the typhoon, the strong winds went in all directions around it.

Tornado gusts spread all over the mountain.
