Chapter: 143
“Instructors, come in.”
After Hameng gave the order, the instructors immediately walked into the office.
“Take him to the prison cells.”
“Yes, sir.”
Chun Yeowun was shocked. He wanted to tell his teammates about what happened and was going to give them orders on what to do while he was gone, but he didn’t think he would get taken in right away.
“Chief. Can you give me a little more time before going to the prison cell?”
Lee Hameng shook his head and snapped coldly, “No.”
“At least so I can talk to my teammates...”
“Your imprisonment will be announced officially. And, it is your ‘former’ teammates. They are now just cadets.”
Chun Yeowun then moaned. He then realized what Lee Hameng did to teach him.
‘...He wants me to know the consequences of my actions reaching other people.’
Chun Yeowun was able to feel it very truthfully. His imprisonment was announced after lunch time to every cadet.
[The 7th cadet has destroyed the 4th cade’s internal energy, thus destroying the 4th cadet’s chances of being a warrior for life. As punishment, his right to become a team leader has been taken away and he will be imprisoned for five days. All cadets should learn from this and never attempt such foolish acts within the academy.]
This shocked all cadets. Even when the aademy had a basic rule of the survival of the fittest, destroying one’s internal energy when they were all in the same cult was beyond reasonable.
‘Whoa. He’s terrible.’
‘He’s just not strong then.’
‘He’s mad.’
‘4th cadet... Is it Chun Jongsum from the Poison Clan?’
‘How he dare attack the Poison clan? He will be killed right after he leaves the academy!’
‘Or he might get killed in the academy beforehand.’
‘Yeah, but who knows? He might have someone on his back.’
‘Yeah. No fool will dare to attack the Poison Clan without a way to protect himself.’
The cadets all had different thoughts about this issue. Despite all this, at least Chun Yeowun was no longer an unworthy son of the Lord who was going to die soon.
“Hahahahaha! He really is crazy! How did he even think about destroying the internal energy?”
Chun Yuchan burst into laughter as he read the announcement on the wall. Chun Yeowun’s action was unpredictable. It was amusing, but it didn’t feel like he had made the right choice.
‘I thought the competition was going to come from three sides, but that won’t be the case.’
He thought Yeowun would be dangerous after seeing him fight an instructor, but this made him feel relieved. This way, Yeowun would surely fail the third test without even being tested. Chun Yuchan touched his three yellow tags and smiled.
‘Well, well. Isn’t it a wonderful thing?’