Chapter: 1489
As the steam was lifted by the swift movement of the sword, it was seen that Qu Yuan blocked the sword with his left arm, which had sword qi on it.

“It’s obvious that you guys are getting tired. Hmph!”




Qu Yuan’s whole body, which stopped burning because of Dan Jucheon, soared with flames again.

“I caught you guys.”


Qu Yuan jumped up, turning his body with his arms crossed.

Then, flames struck where Marakim and Dan Jucheon were.


They tried to defend themselves, but they were too close to the man and got trapped in the whirlwind of flames.


Marakim’s eyes widened.

It was in the form of moving flames, but he knew the technique.

It was a technique of the Blade God Six Martial Clan.

Originally, it was a technique that was made to rip the opponent to pieces with a blade or qi while moving in the form of a whirlwind, but this one was unfolding with flames.

“Great Elder, we need to get out of here!”

The only way out of the technique was above.

Marakim pointed to the sky and became flustered.

Qu Yuan, the man in flames, held a giant sphere of flames right above them, waiting to throw it down.

“You idiots! I hope you don’t turn to ashes right away.”

In the victory of his flames, Qu Yuan smiled.

He deliberately pretended to unfold the technique, to put the two into a dilemma.


Dan Jucheon slammed both his hands on the ground.


He took his remaining energy and poured it into creating another ice wall to stop the flames.

However, this time the moving flames had sharp blade qi in them.
