Chapter: 1510

Director Chun suppressed his laugh immediately.

When he saw Chun Yeowun five years ago, he was just a boy, but now, the sense of intimidation that Chun Yeowun gave him was far stronger than his father, Chairman Chun, could give.

“Anyway, Chun Issa, why did you give...”

“Hold up. I am really sorry, but my name isn’t Chun Issa.”


“Chun Issa is like a position. In today’s terms, it’s a position like an elder.”

An easy-to-understand explanation, Chun Yeowun nodded, making sure he understood it.

“Then what is your name?”

“This is a late introduction. If you have seen the video, you probably noticed my identity to some extent, so I’ll tell you everything without hiding.”


The descendant bowed on one knee and took the position any cultist would take to pay respects to their Lord.

“I would like to extend my greetings to my ancestor, the Slashing Demon Emperor, 24th Lord of the Sky Demon Order. I am the eldest son of Chun Mu-jin, the one hundred and seventeenth head of the great Sky Demon Order, Chun Mu-seong.”

It was a polite greeting, but Chun Yeowun’s eyebrows rose.

He was puzzled.

“... that isn’t my title.”

“Ah! It looks like you haven’t gotten the nickname yet. You’ll be called the Slashing Demon Emperor soon.”

The descendant who identified himself as Chun Mu-seong said that with certainty.

This was a completely different history from what he knew, and he didn’t know that the title didn’t change.

“I’m saying that it isn’t the title...”

“I’m sorry for interrupting my great ancestor. I really can’t stay in one place for long, so can I talk first?”

Chun Mu-seong was looking impatient.

Chun Yeowun sighed and nodded his head.

In a way, he was angry when his words were cut off, but this man was the descendant from the future who saved his life.

Chun Mu-seong rose and said.

“Firstly, I would like to apologize once again for trespassing into my ancestor’s life and for this.”


At that time, Chun Mu-seong pressed the video screen, which he was holding with his thumb.

“7th generation Nano Machine take the orders of Chun Mu-seong, your master. Temporarily restrain the user’s body.”
