Chapter: 1524
The martial artist should be dead by this point, so he stopped, but,
“Yah, what is...”
All the bullets were suspended mid-air.
All a hundred bullets were floating.
He was at a loss for words, but Chun Yeowun simply raised his index finger towards him.
In an instant, more than a hundred bullets stopped in the air and then flew back towards their owner and pierced their suit.
All the others were shocked.
“No way!”
“Bu-Bullet proof suit?”
The suits they were all wearing were bulletproof, and one of those suits just got pierced right in front of their eyes.
“So, this is martial arts?”
This wasn’t the martial arts they knew.
To those who were perplexed, Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice.
“Try moving again, okay?”
The reason why the people of the Time Patrol were shocked was pretty easy to understand.
The martial artists they knew were people who could at times go beyond human limits by honing their skills.
And it was a great task.
Those martial artists could perform things without even wearing a suit like the Time Patrol.
However, despite them exceeding the human limit and being dangerous, it wasn’t a level that could surpass science and technology.
‘It makes no sense. The m320 has no recoil, fires bullets at a speed of 1,200 m/s, and the kinetic energy of each bullet reaches 350 m/kp⁽¹⁾, but to get blocked from this distance.’
Some martial artists could block and dodge the bullets.
But the number was very few.
Even the most talented martial artists couldn’t stop a bullet fired from just 15 steps away.
And martial artists, who have excellent eyesight and speed, prefer to avoid attacks.
However, this was correct unless the m320 was equipped with an AI chip that has an automatic lock-on.