Chapter: 1536
If such a weapon was used by thousands or tens of thousands of people, there was no reason to feel threatened by martial artists.
“Ancestor. Thank you for saving my life.”
Chun Mu-seong bowed his head and continued talking.
“But soon, they will send men with equipment that cannot be compared to those which you saw now.”
One had run away.
Of course, even if that wasn’t the case, the last time-space coordinates of the dead ones will be recorded in the headquarters.
Clearly, they would send a tracking team.
However, Chun Yeowun wasn’t bothered.
“Do I look like I’m scared of them?”
If an enemy targeted him, he would fight back.
Of course, he knew that Chun Yeowun wouldn’t be afraid of them.
“I don’t know, but if the Great Gate... ah.”
Chun Mu-seong didn’t continue.
It seemed like he had gone too far.
Since Chun Yeowun was from the past, they wouldn’t bother, but if they find Chun Mu-seong, they would surely kill him.
“What do you want to say?”
“Ancestor. Once I leave, please move away from this place. After all, their goal is to catch me. They might search the area, but not extensively.”
Chun Mu-seong guessed that the TP would come again.
Since the one who escaped would give them the right coordinates, they will quickly come to pursue.
But if he went back to his original time, they wouldn’t find anything.
Although the TP unit was annihilated, they would consider it unacceptable to create a new time axis.
‘It’s fortunate that this era doesn’t have media or the web.’
If there were such things, they would search for Chun Yeowun and erase his memory.
Of course, if they discovered the existence of the 7th generation Nano Machine, they would track down Chun Yeowun at all costs.
Chun Mu-seong put his hands together and bowed again.
“It was truly an honor to meet my ancestor. And I sincerely apologize. Please know that even though I acted rudely, it was for the sake of the cult in the future.”
With those words, Chun Mu-seong tried to take the time pack out of his waist bag.
At that moment, Chun Yeowun reached out for the bag.