Chapter: 1540
Chun Mu-seong was speechless.
In his heart, he thought that the people of the past were good at martial arts, but now he realized as civilization progressed, the present had declined.
Chun Ma or even Chun Yeowun, they were both excellent people with insight.
“Well! Keep talking. So what is your plan if you fail to take Chun Ma to the future?”
Chun Yeowun was curious about it.
‘If the ID chip is removed, it will be difficult to track me down.’
If Chun Mu-seong had been in the future era, he would have been easily traced.
It was because the future was full of cameras and electromagnetic waves.
But now here.
No matter how strong the TP was, they couldn’t search the entire Jianghu region, and even if they tried, they would have to keep their devices on them at all times.
‘I have time.’
It was already discovered that he time traveled, so he had to endure the situation.
He would have to fulfill the last thing he had come to do before he got caught.
“... ancestor. Would it be fine to continue talking as we move?”
Even if it was impossible to trace, it was dangerous to stay in the same place.
There was nothing to be afraid of, but there was no need to create a troublesome situation either, so Chun Yeowun continued talking with Chun Mu-seong while descending the mountain.
“Since I couldn’t take Chun Ma, the next choice was you, my ancestor. You were the next best.”
As he said, Chun Mu-seong looked up to him.
However, Chun Yeowun didn’t feel glad.
It was something he had roughly guessed.
“But that failed too. I used up all the time packs. I have only one left, and without that, I can’t go back.”
Chun Mu-seong spoke while tapping the square bag on his waist.
He had come to the past with the determination to risk his life, but if he was going to die, he would rather die in his time.
“Which was why I had to resort to the last plan.”
The final plan was the method Dr. Baek had prepared.
Chun Mu-seong took a device out of the bag and said.
“The Nano Machine in my ancestor’s body is the 7th generation model and one of a kind, and it can be controlled with this device.”
A part of the Gatelinium was inserted into the device.
It was the only device capable of copying the information from Chun Yeowun’s body which held the 7th generation Nano Machine.
“You know that I could’ve moved all the analyzed data to the master controller so you could copy things like martial arts and formations.”