Chapter: 1554
It was possible to cheat for a short time, but they were always found.

The commander spoke in a strong voice.

“This is why we need the power of the Special Forces. We need to capture this man.”

“Are you going to extract the Nano Machine?”

A captain of special forces asked.

With such great technology, it would be a waste to discard that Nano Machine.

The commander nodded.

“But it would be impossible if we don’t catch him. At least for the sake of order within the space-time system, your efforts are needed.”

“I don’t know how many teams will be needed, but this will be fun. Because of the Blade Six group, I was always curious about the special abilities these martial artists had... I will go.”

A captain of the Special Forces applied.

The commander nodded his head, and then extending his hand, he said.

“We never know, so you should probably take one more Special Forces unit to support.”

Someone, who was sitting on the other side, got up from their seat.

He was a tall, muscular middle-aged man in a purple uniform wearing an ox-horn helmet.

It was just a 3D image, yet, the overwhelming pressure was too much to handle.

“I will support.”

The corners of the commander’s mouth formed into a smile.

“Ugh, so the Special Forces of Keanu will go?”

The commander was quite relieved.

A middle-aged man in a green uniform asked with arrogant eyes.

“Is it fine if we bring him back barely alive?”

Dark night.

Mt. Magol is located in the western part of Liaoning province.

There was an unusual location at the top.

Unlike places where trees and bushes grew sparsely, this location seemed clean and empty for a radius of about five meters.

One might not think much of it, but one could see that it was unnatural compared to other places.

Looking into the area,

It seemed like a base camp had been built with electronic devices.

There were four men in purple uniform in front of monitors, each watching the screens.

They were members of the Keanu Special Forces unit, one of TP’s five Special Forces.