Chapter: 1557
“Nice. The Special Forces will...!?”

He was about to give the orders to move to the coordinates shown by the drone, but,

He wasn’t the only one who was shocked.

“Captain... that one... doesn’t it look like he’s looking into the camera?”

The young man with black hair and sharp-looking eyes was staring intently at the camera.

It was impossible to look at the stealth drone, which had a reflective panel activated and was 2 km away in the dark night.

Therese said, waving his hand.

“Eh, it must be a coincidence. If his Nano Machine had the ability to detect the drone, it could have figured out our location, but this isn’t enough...”

It was then.

The young man in the video pretended to swing something at the drone.



The camera split in half, and then the transmission was cut off.


Everyone stared dumbfounded, but Keanu shouted.

“Have the other drones arrived?”

At those words, Tanaka and the crew went back to their monitors.

“B-15 almost reached the coordina...”



Tanaka’s monitor screen went blank.

But that wasn’t it.


The screen, which another operator, Baren, was trying to switch, went blank too.

Most of the drones had reached the location, but a strange phenomenon occurred where the screens were turning off.

Only one monitor was still alive.

The drone being controlled by Liam, who was as big as Keanu, was live.

The nearest location to their target was 2.3 km.

That was when Keanu urgently exclaimed.

“Don’t go any further. Just increase the altitude and zoom in on him.”