Chapter: 164
Wanghur laughed. Bakgi, Ja Wumin, and Machil also nodded in agreement. It was as Hu Bong said. If they trusted their master, they should do their best to be ready for the next step.

“We would have waited like sitting ducks if it wasn’t for you, Hu Bong.”

“That’s right!”

Hu Bong scratched his head while blushing. And with that, this event made the team even stronger.

And the next day, Ko Wanghur, Bakgi, Hu Bong, Machil, and Ja Wumin scoured around the dorm and entire the academy, searching for the right cadets to recruit. They realized that recruiting more cadets was the best thing they could do at the moment.

But it wasn’t easy. Chun Yeowun had proved that he was powerful by defeating an instructor, but he was now in prison. With the only tag remaining in the hands of Hou Jinchang, no one was willing to join Chun Yeowun’s group as it seemed like they had no chance.

The five members did not give up and continued to search for cadets. Hu Bong also met with various cadets to try to persuade them, but it wasn’t easy. As Hu Bong walked around with heavy footsteps after being rejected multiple times, he heard noises coming from the crowd.

‘Huh? Did something happen?’

Hu Bong then walked to the area where people had gathered. It was at middle of the stage on the training ground, and the main building where the cadets were watching something. As Hu Bong got closer to see what was going on, his eye grew large with shock.


There was Chun Yeowun, Hu Bong’s awaited master. However, Chun Yeowun was fighting against someone in the middle of the crowd.

He was fighting Senior Instructor Hou Jinchang.

Early in the morning, on the mountain peak behind the Demonic Academy Library, the morning fog covered the lower part of the mountain. Three men were running up the mountain with their lightness skills. They were instructors of the academy. The one in front was the former 8th group instructor, Impeng. The reason why they were going up the mountain today was because today Yeowun’s imprisonment was scheduled to end.

‘I wonder if he endured it well.’

Even a more experienced adult would have a hard time being locked up in a dark place all alone. However, the person they locked up was a fifteen-year-old boy, which raised some concerns. They soon reached the front of the cave.


Guards who stood near the entrance saluted the instructors. Impeng nodded.

“Chun Yeowun’s imprisonment is over. Open the gate.”

“Yes, sir.”

Guards then moved the locking mechanism from the giant boulder that blocked the entrance and pushed it to the side. As it was pushed away, the cave opened up. With the lamp oil running out, the inside of the cave was pitch black. Spending five days in such a place would surely make someone mad. As they looked inside, a topless boy was sitting crosslegged with his eyes closed in meditation.

“7th cadet, You are now being freed!”

One of the instructors shouted and Chun Yeowun opened his eyes. It was finally the time he had been waiting for. He got up and frowned as the light was too bright in his eyes and walked out.

‘Huh? Look at his body!’

Chun Yeowun’s topless body showed all his tight muscles. It was hard to believe that they were the muscles of a not-fully grown boy. The instructors became astonished. But what really astounded Impeng were Chun Yeowun’s eyes.

‘Are these the eyes of a boy who was locked up in prison alone for five days?’

His eyes were deeper and more determined than when he was locked up. It was as if Yeowun had found the truth after some hard training. Impeng was astonished, but he didn’t show it and spoke to him.

“Where are your top clothes?”

“Uh, that’s...”

Chun Yeowun then went back and took out his clothes. The stench made all the instructors frown in disgust.
