Chapter: 185
“What do you think? How did the sword formation look from the outside?”


“Don’t worry. You can tell me the truth.”

Yuchan assured him and Gunpil spoke carefully.

“...Honestly, it just looks like everyone doing the same formation at once. I have never seen the Sword Demon formation, but this probably isn’t it.”

“Right? This is weird... the book says...”

But before Yuchan could finish his words, a cadet shouted at him.

“Prince! Look!”

Twenty cadets were approaching them. Yuchan’s cadets got up. All the cadets who appeared at the empty lot were badly injured. What was interesting was that they all had another cadet on their backs. The one in the front seemed to have taken heavy injuries such that his face was covered in clothes, but it was all bloody and that made it look disgusting.

Chun Yuchan’s teammates formed a blockade so that they wouldn’t come any closer. After hearing the injured cadet’s voice, they let down their guard.

“It’s me, Yumpa.”

It was the 200th cadet, Yumpa. And behind him were Gallen and the former 12th group cadets. It seemed they had been in a serious fight.


Yuchan then approached Yumpa with an interested look. Yumpa bowed.

“Prince, I have fulfilled my duty.”

Yumpa showed the yellow tag on his right chest.

Curious about what happened, Yuchan asked, “What happened? Who do you have on your back?”

Yumpa then placed the cadet on his back on the ground. When he saw the person’s face after they fell onto the ground, Yuchan became surprised.

“Ha Ilming?”

It was the 108th cadet, Ha Ilming. His face and skin had veins popping out, which looked really ugly.


Yuchan shook his head as he frowned. Starting with Yumpa, the 12th group members began putting down the cadets they had on their backs. Those who were put down were Yeowun’s seven members and Ha Ilming’s eleven members. The one Gallen put down had a heavily damaged face and his face so bloody that it was hard to tell who the person was.

“And who is this?”

“It’s the 7th cadet, Chun Yeowun.”

Yuchan’s mouth turned into a smile after hearing that.

“Chun Yeowun? What did you do to make him become like that?”

There was a hint of excitement in his voice as he asked that.

“...We might have lost if it wasn’t for Ha Ilming.”

Yumpa said in embarrassment. Yuchan didn’t understand.

“What are you talking about?”