Chapter: 212
Yeowun was glaring at him however. Surely Yeowun was angry at his laziness.
“You think I would not notice if you didn’t put in any effort?”
“What was that slow, clumsy sword movement? Do you not want to do this?”
Yeowun snapped and Jino flushed red from embarrassment. He couldn’t even find the right words to respond. He claimed that Yeowun would never know when the cadet next to him, Im Yuhan, told him to stop fooling around.
“I-I’m sorry.”
“If you do that again, then you will be practicing the sword formations alone.”
Jino then went down on his both knees.
“This will never happen again, Master.”
This gave every cadet the chills. They thought to never do things without letting Yeowun know.
Yeowun accepted Jino’s apology.
“You must act accordingly if you have the power. But you are second to being correct among everyone else here. Make sure you do it right next time.”
‘Second? I’m only second?’
Who was first then? Yeowun then turned to the 11th cadet, Im Yuhan, with a satisfied voice.
“I have nothing much to say to you, 11th cadet. You were better than everyone here.”
“Thank you, Master.”
Jino frowned. Jino and Yuhan were always competing with each other, so Jino didn’t feel so good about losing. He then regretted for not doing it right.
After Yeowun met all seventeen cadets, they began to trust Yeowun on what he was doing.
“Okay, we’ll go with the first formation again. Remember what I told you and repeat slowly.”
“Yes, sir!”
And the swords began to move again. Not everything was fixed at once, but all the movements had gotten much better now.
“Wow,” Ku gasped in astonishment. This proved that Yeowun was not only a good fighter, but he was also a good teacher.
‘He’s really amazing.’
Of course, all this was due to Nano’s ability. Yeowun’s eyes saw the analysis notes that Nano placed over all the cadets. Without this knowledge however, it only made Mun Ku more surprised.
After going through the first movement again, Yeowun pointed out their mistakes and had them go over remaining seven formations to fix it. It seemed like it wouldn’t take too long to learn the Seven Demon Sword at this rate. There were some who were falling behind like Hu Bong, Jin Guuk, and Machil, but they put more effort which was fortunate.
“We’ll train until dinner!”
“Yes, sir!”
And ten days had passed after the training started. It took a bit more time for everyone to perfect all the Seven Demon Sword formations. Even if Yeowun put in all the effort he could, it still took time for most of the cadets to learn, especially those who weren’t from high-ranked clans. The last, or the Seventh Sword, was especially hard for most cadets. Part of it was due to Ohjong joining the team late, after he spent five days in the medical room. At least it was fortunate that Ojong was talented enough to catch up quickly.