Chapter: 336
“So, when are you going to reveal it?”
“...You are out of the academy now, so...”
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! U-uh, we will go to Demon Dragon Clan when my gramps comes back, so I-I’ll talk then.”
Mun Ku quickly stopped Huan Yi from talking. Only one who knew her real gender among these people were Chun Yeowun. There was reason to keep it secret when they were at the academy, but she too knew that there was no more reason for her to keep it a secret from his members. But it felt embarrassing to reveal to others now, so she was postponing it.
“Hahaha, okay. I understand.”
And when they finished the tea time, Huan Yi offered to Yeowun and his members.
“If you are okay, you can stay at our guesthouse for a while if you’d like/”
He knew that Yeowun had no clans to stay for now, so he offered it as so. Yeowun needed place to stay while staying away from six clans. It was thankful for such offer.
“Thank you so much for your hospitality. If it is okay, can we take one more person...?”
“Of course.”
Huan Yi agreed. When coming out of the academy, Chun Yeowun wanted to return to his old home and meet with Guard Jang, but he had to come to this place first. Huan Yi told Yeowun that he’ll fetch Jang by sending someone, but Yeowun said he’ll go himself. He wanted to visit his old home too.
Chun Yeowun then went toward the southern side of the Demonic Cult where his original home was at. He thought lot of things might have changed, but his home was still clean. Guard Jang used to wake up early in the morning and cleaned up the yard after his morning practice was done.
‘He’s still the same.’
He had stayed at the small house with Guard Jang until he was 15 years old. Guard Jang was like a parent to him. Yeowun became excited to see Guard Jang in a long time and quickly opened the gate and walked in.
‘So, this is where he grew up... hehe.’
Mun Ku and other members followed him in with curious look. But Chun Yeowu, who walked into the yard, was just standing there with grim look.
Chun Yeowun was looking at Guard Jang’s room with shaking eyes and mumbled.
“I don’t feel anyone inside.”
Ko Wanghur, Mun Ku, Bakgi, And Sama Chak also were super master level warrior so they opened their detection sense and felt it but surely there were no one in. It was either of two. It was either one was really powerful warrior who can hide, and another was that the house was really empty. Yeowun quickly opened the Guard Jang’s room but it was empty.
‘What is this? He’s not here at this hour?’
It was bit after midnight, so Jang should have been asleep. It was not time for him to be walking around. The room still had Guard Jang’s stuff init, so it was sure that he still lived here, but it was weird.
‘No heat...’
Yeowun then realized there was no heat in the room. It was cold winter, so Jang would have heated the house with a pit stove at t he kitchen, but there was no heat. It seemed the house had been empty for at least three or four days. When Yeowun went out, all of his members who checked other rooms came out with disappointed look.
“There’s no one, master.”
They can see that Chun Yeowun was not pleased from this and Hu Bong reported calmly.
“Prince, maybe Guard Jang had went to visit somewhere? Like his own clan?”
Mun Ku asked just in case, but Yeowun shook his head. He heard that Guard Jang was an orphan who had no home.