Chapter: 339
“I’m not sure. But if what Ko Wanghur guessed is right, then they will try to contact us in any way.”

Mun Ku wasn’t really sure if their plan will really work. They came to Waho street intentionally where people can find him easily, but it wasn’t sure if the person behind kidnapping of Guard Jang will really try to contact them.

‘They are after you, not Guard Jang. If they find out that you have came out of the Demonic Academy, they will try to contact you. But I’m sure they will not try to do something fishy in front of every people of the street.”

That was Ko Wanghur’s plan. The reason why Ko Wanghur, Bakgi and Sama Chak wasn’t with other three was because they were hiding near three suspect clans’ mansions to watch them. All of this was to find who was behind kidnapping of Guard Jang. There was risk to this, but Ko Wanghur’s plan seemed to have a chance of finding it, and Yeowun agreed to follow it. That was why he was staying at a restaurant, revealing himself to everyone like this for hours. And after a time, a telepathic message came through Yeowun’s ear.

[Stay still if you can hear my voice. If you turn your head or even give slightest sign to your friends, something you will not want to happen will come true.]

If whoever sent the telepathic message was able to see what Yeowun was doing and seeing, then it meant that whoever it is was inside the restaurant. Chun Yeowun then heed the threat from telepathic message and pretended if he was focusing on the meal. Mun Ku and Hu Bong was talking to each other for any sign of enemy who they weren’t sure when they will contact them. Yeowun thought if he should let Mun Ku or Hu Bong know through telepathic message, but changed his mind in case the enemy can see him sending telepathic message through looking at his neck moving.

‘...They aren’t just any enemies.’

Level of threat was much different from that of cadets from the Academy. As Yeowun stayed silent, another message came to him.

[I’ll warn you. Don’t try to even find me through your senses. If you try anything stupid, ‘he’ will die.]

They were threatening Yeowun as if they already knew Yeowun found out that Guard Jang had gone missing.


Yeowun’s eye turned cold. He had never been threatened with someone he know kidnapped, and he didn’t realize it would feel this devastating and furious. But Yeowun was not going to abide by the threat.

‘Nano, can you locate where this telepathic message is coming from?’

[Yes, master. Scanning the frequency of the energy wave. Changing the ear function to hear another frequency.]

And with Nano’s word, Yeowun heard weird whistle sound ringing through his ear and heard the telepathic message again.


‘I found you...!’

Yeowun didn’t move so it would not be noticeable, but the sound was coming from entrance of the restaurant. Yeowun couldn’t see him correctly, so he couldn’t see the man’s face. The message continued.

[ midnight, come to mansion of the Poison clan.]

‘Poison clan?’

Yeowun became confused as the name he didn’t expect popped up. He thought it was either Sword, Wise or the Lust clan, so the Poison clan’s name was unexpected.

[You must come unarmed. If you bring that blade or sword that you have on your back or waist, your arm will be cut down even before you enter the mansion.]

Yeowun tried hard to hold back, but he clenched his fist from holding back his anger.

[And you must come early. If we find even shadow of anyone within 300 feet around the mansion, the person will be killed. And there are no one walks around the mansion at the time, so don’t try to play tricks.]

This was a trap set up to put Yeowun alone. It was a situation where Yeowun had to enter the snake’s mouth himself. It was sure what was going to happen if he goes there. In some way, it wasn’t needed for Yeowun to take this condition if it wasn’t for Guard Jang.


But for Yeowun, Guard Jang wasn’t just anyone. For other princes, guards were just form of protection set upon by the Lord, but for Yeowun, Guard Jang was like his parents.

[If you don’t appear at the appointed time, we will think you have gave up on him and we will kill him. I’m sure you will choose wisely.]

These enemies too knew how important Guard Jang was to Chun Yeowun, and thus was threatening with such condition. Chun Yeowun was angered so much that he wanted to jump out and cut down the neck of the man who was sending the telepathic message to him.

[I’m done here. And don’t even try to track me down.]