Chapter: 368
Yeowun asked seriously and she sighed deeply. She wanted to be asked of this question ever since she became the leader of the Demonspread Sword clan. The cult was under control of six clans for long time. Even the Chun family now had blood of these six clans — no matter how hard Demonspread Sword clan tried, its claims were shunned.

‘Prince not from any of the six clans...’

Maybe it was a chance to talk to the prince who had no relation to them. She hesitated for a long time and spoke.

“We, the Demonspread Sword, clan is the only clan that succeeds the will of the Sword Demon. We are the descendant of the Sword Family.”

“Descendant of the Sword Family?”

As far as Yeowun knew, the Sword Demon did not take any apprentices, resulting in the loss of his entire clan. Then what did this mean? Yin Moha began unveiling her story, starting from how she was told of this through her clan.

Five hundred years ago, there were three apprentices to the Sword Demon. Kingchen, Mu Jurang, and Yin Houngsu. Three of them were from ordinary soldier families that had good muscles and talents that the Sword Demon chose himself. He wanted to train them and take one best sword genius to succeed his Sword Family and have the other two to be the guards of the Lord. The Sword Demon was a genius in his sword skills, but he was also a genius in teaching. Three of these students learned martial art very quickly and showed promise among many warriors from their same age.

The problem arose from there. Sword Demon considered loyalty to the Cult as the most important trait required. But unlike his wish, Kingchen and Mu Jurang began to grow in greed and were helped by other clans to force their marriage with the Lord. And with approval from the elder meeting, it was decided quickly. This greatly disappointed the Sword Demon.

“The Sword Demon thought that his achievement and feat have clouded their judgment and drove them into greed.”

Sword Demon shunned them from his apprenticeship at once. But that anger also came to Yin Hongsu, who wasn’t involved in the greed. Yin Hongsu was also shunned. He had tried so hard in trying to learn the sword so he can succeed the Sword Family, but that wish was gone due to the other two men.

“My ancestor, Yin Hongsu was banished like that but he never forgot about Sword Demon.”

And when Sword Demon died without taking any further apprentice, the Sword Family was lost forever. Yin Hongsu did not want the legend to be gone forever, so he claimed that he was the successor and created the second Sword Family. But that wasn’t approved.

“Yin Hongsu was not approved only because he was banished in the middle from Sword Demon! But then!”

Yin Moha bit on her lips in anger. The elder meeting that did not approve Yin Hongsu, approved that Sword clan created by Kingchen, and Wise clan created by Mu Jurang to be the successor of the Sword Family.


Yeowun moaned. Yin Moha’s anger was just. After receiving the approval, Yin Hongsu became angry and complained to two leaders of each clan but Yin Hongsu was then imprisoned for 10 years because he ashamed members of the Lord’s family.

“Yin Hongsu was furious and thought to fix things right.”

And after he got out of prison in 10 years, two clans had become so powerful that there was no way to do anything anymore. Yin Hongsu thought Sword Demon would be ashamed, so he decided to continue to the will and keep Sword Family’s name clean.

“And from then on, we, the Demonspread Sword clan, focused to restore the True Demon Sword of the Sword Demon for generations.”

They thought with their internal energy formed from that of Sword Demon, recovering the True Demon Sword was going to be enough to find the honor of Sword Demon and Sword family back. But restoring the sword skill that he just saw few times when Sword Demon used, was hard. And Yin Hongsu, who thought it was impossible to restore the sword skill by himself, took in apprentice to succeed his will. And 500 years had passed. There was a total of three grand goals for the Demonspread Sword clan.

“One, is to succeed the will of Sword Demon and restore his honor. Second, is to recover perfectly on his Truer Demon Sword.”

‘But that wasn’t the recovered sword skill.’

Chun Yeowun was curious. If it was only True Demon Sword that Yin Moha used, that was explainable. But that didn’t explain Twenty Four Demon Sword.

“What is the last one?”

‘Can I trust him? He isn’t from six clans...’

Yin Moha hesitated for a bit at Yeowun’s question and answered.

“Find the true cult back, back from the hands of these scum Wise and Sword clan. And restore the order and loyalty that belongs to the Lord.”


Loyalty. That was only one thing that Sword Demon wanted from his apprentice. The Demonspread Sword clan chose to have only one person continue on the tradition just like how the Sword Dmeon did, and thought of the future of the Demonic Cult. But six clans became too much powerful for one man clan to deal with.

‘It’s amazing.’