Chapter: 611
Yeowun was destroying all other ships except the one that he was on. The sinking was slow however, so the pirates who tried to destroy the chain to get away became pale. Their last chance of escaping was gone.

“P-pull up the anchor!”


They at least hoped that the river torrent would push them away. But the ship was already sinking so it didn’t move as they hoped it would.

“I-it’s not working! The ship isn’t.... UGH!”

The pirate who tried to move the ship died with a sword penetrating through him.


The leader pirate who ordered to destroy the chain screamed his name with despair. He then slumped down and glanced over at Yeowun.

“T...that man is a devil!”

It seemed he was trying to kill everyone above the ship. The screaming heard throughout the ship was like the song Yeowun was making as he moved his arms.



And pirates finally realized while they were dying that the worst disaster had hit their ships.


Gam Miyan, whose blood points were sealed, moaned as she couldn’t scream. Her eyes turned red from tears as she saw hundreds of pirates being massacred. Her movements and voice were sealed, but it didn’t stop the tears dropping from her eyes.

Bakgi then silently turned her around, as he thought she was probably too sad to see such a cruel sight, even if these enemies were pirates. But her eyes were actually that of a person who was actually truly sad, as if she was mourning for them. She looked like she wanted to say something.

“This will be over soon. We will have your baby here too.”

Bakgi spoke, but she glared back at him furiously.


It seemed she wanted to say something. But even with the baby hostage, the woman set traps before so Bakgi thought he had to be safe and ignored her. Hu Bong glanced at her and sent a telepathic message.

[You know, I didn’t want to think it this way, but she seems really angry at us as if she doesn’t want to be rescued. Don’t you think?]


Bakgi did not respond to Hu Bong’s uncomfortable look.

At the same time, Fourth Elder Yang Danwa quickly killed tge pirates on tge watchtower and infiltrated the half dismantled shack. There weren’t much people around as most of warriors were already on the ship.

‘The only ones left are the women and children.’

It seemed like all the warriors who could fight were on the ship, with only a few pirates left behind to stand watch.


Yang Danwa went up to another pirate on watch and snapped his neck. He then quietly hid the body in the corner.


Yang Danwa silently killed all pirates that were on watch. There was no need to kill them all as their identities were not revealed, but there was no need to leave any potential dangers behind.