Chapter: 67
Hu Bong quickly ran out of the room at Yeowun’s order. Soon, an instructor came and began treating Mukeum’s wound, but it was pretty bad.

“...He won’t be able to walk for a while.”

The students’ expressions turned grim. Chun Wonryou’s warning had become a reality.

Mukeum was taken out by instructor for further treatment. Yeowun called out to the instructor since there was another wounded student, but the instructor was busy tending to Mukeum. Yeowun then picked Jahyun up and followed the instructor out.

“Where did he go?”

The instructor was already on his way to the main building. Yeowun quickly used his running skill to catch up to him. The instructor, however, seemed to be expecting Yeowun.

“Instructor. The 80th cadet is also hurt.”

“I know.”


“I knew someone would get him and follow me.”

The instructor just said that he purposely left Jahyun back there. Yeowun then asked, “Did you make me come after you?”

“Well, you are not stupid.”

It was a yes.

“What is the reason for that, sir?”

“Reason? Nothing special. Your group especially made it seem like the entire test was already doomed.”

Something was weird about what the instructor was saying.

“Well, I just wanted to tell you that. Give him to me.”

The instructor hoisted Jahyun over his shoulder and told Yeowun to return.

“You know a cadet can’t be outside the dorms at night, right?”

“...Understood, sir.”

Chun Yeowun turned to go back but the instructor spoke to him from behind.

“Well, there’s more than one way to skin a cat.”

Then the instructor went into the building with two cadets over his shoulders. Yeowun then thought about what the instructor had said to him. As he entered the room, he realized something.

‘What said... especially. So other groups had the same thing happen to them?’

He then realized what the instructor meant. Unlike Mukeum, Chun Yeowun did not know what was happening nor did he understand the intent behind letting them know about the test three days prior.

‘Attacking the group leader will makes be easy to deal with. If the other groups experienced the same attack, they would’ve all realized this.’

Chun Yeowun then came to a conclusion about what happened.

‘So this was why the four groups were destined to fight each other.’

Everything had been intentional from the beginning to condone covert attacks.

‘No wonder it was weird that it was so simple.’