Chapter: 670
‘What? What’s with that look?’
Yeowun, nor any of the cultists seemed to care. Yeowun was even looking disappointed as he shook his head.
“You’re not bold, but reckless. I was anticipating seeing someone from the government for the first time... but this is disappointing.”
“Million armies?”
And with that, Yeowun raised his left hand. That’s when something happened to all imperial guards surrounding them.
“W-what?! What’s happening!”
“My sword!”
They had been clenching on their weapons but suddenly their weapons began to come alive and move, trying to get out of their grasp.
They tried to hold onto it by using their internal energy, but their energy was too feeble to resist to the great amount of force unleashed.
And over two hundred weapons got out of their master’s hand, turned in the air and aimed back at them. It was a sight to behold.
Commander Yon Namgun became terrified at the sight of this. He even thought maybe he was dreaming.
‘A-air sword? T-this is an air sword?! Is the Lord really a monster or something!?’
Yon Namgun was trained in martial art, so he knew what air sword is and who can use it. He heard that Top Five strongest warriors who were at supreme master level can use air sword. But this was beyond imagination.
‘How can this be...’
But it wasn’t only the Imperial Army that were shocked. Marakim, who had guessed Yeowun to have become supreme master level, and other high ranking officials all became astonished.
‘How did he become so strong in that short amount of time...?’
All of them saw Yeowun’s power back at the Great Halls. But controlling over hundreds of swords at once made them have chills.
“Oh... Our Chun Ma is here!”
“Chun Ma has come down upon the world!”
Yeowun’s monstrous power even reminded them of Chun Ma – the Sky Demon. While the Imperial Guards were being threatened by their own weapons, Yeowun slowly walked toward Zhu Taikhan.
Zhu Taikhan became terrified at Yeowun’s power and backed up a few steps before he tripped and fell down. There was no authority or dignity in his mind anymore. He was just terrified at the man standing in front of him.
When Yeowun gestured picking something up with his right hand, Zhu Taikhan’s body was pulled up in the air.
“Ugh! M-my body?!”
Zhu Taikhan let loose of his body. He knew that resisting would give him internal damage against such powerful energy. When Taikhan was pulled up, Yeowun walked up to him and spoke.