Chapter: 688
In an instant, the boss got captured by Chun Yeowun. As his throat was tightly grabbed, in a low voice Chun Yeowun asked.
“Even if you know that I’m a spy, what can you do?”
“Kuak! Kuak!”
The leader of the spies was a Master Level martial artist. He had pride in his skills, but when he was grabbed by the neck and unable to move, he was left with nothing.
‘Wh-who the hell is this man?’
Generally, spies are not trained in martial arts. The energy that he was able to feel from Chun Yeowun was no different from an ordinary criminal. However, the concentrated energy he sensed from the right hand of the so-called spy was beyond imagination.
As Chun Yeowun slightly lifted the leader’s head, the robe that was covering his face came off. His appearance caught the eyes of Chun Yeowun.
The one inside the striped robe leading the group of spies was none other than a eunuch. Seeing the white-painted face used by the eunuchs in their blue attire, it seems that he is still in his training phase.
‘Yin energy?’
Chun Yeowun felt, as he tightly grabbed onto the eunuch’s neck. It was completely different energy from what a member of the Blade God Six Martial clan must use.
‘This is weird.’
Chun Yeowun gazed, as he considered this to be an abnormal finding. Naturally, he turned towards Yoon Baek Ho. Yoon Baek Ho, who witnessed the overwhelming power of the opponent didn’t know what to do and stood still. Chun Yeowun asked Yoon Baek ho.
“Aren’t you the spies of Blade God Six Martial clan?”
Hearing the question, Yoon Baek Ho managed to answer through his trembling body.
“Blade- blade God Six Martial clan? What are you talking about?”
His attitude changed after recognizing that a superior martial artist was right in front of him. He spoke politely to Chun Yeowun.
‘Are they unaware?’
Chun Yeowun lowered his right hand, pretending to press something. The tremendous energy that just a moment ago suppressed all the spies in the warehouse disappeared like a sham. Yet, those who already suffered severe internal injuries were in a state of fainting.
‘Alumni’s Masters are no different from beginners.’
It was clear that they don’t know anything. Chun Yeowun reached out and pulled Yoon Baek Ho with his hand. Without possessing any will to rebel against a strong opponent, he got drawn helplessly.
Wooong! Thud!
Forcibly making Baek Ho kneel on the floor, Chun Yeowun questioned him.
“Why did the Golden Council contact the eunuchs of Alumni?”
“Well, that is...”
Even though the question was simple and straightforward, Yoon Baek Ho struggled to answer.
No matter how strong and overwhelming the opponent was, if he opened his mouth, he would be betraying his comrades. Dying seemed to be a better option.
“You are a funny guy. Are you saying that you’d stay loyal with the spies?”