Chapter: 699
“It is here.”

“All of you be quiet!”

Elder Khum silenced the officials of the East Spear who kept on mumbling in anxiousness.


As the unknown cold energy circulated, the wind began to move in incomprehensible directions and extinguished the torches on the walls. With the torches extinguished, everything turned dark in an instant. Small spheres of light appeared one after the other, accompanied by a sound from the walls and ceiling of the building, which didn’t belong to the East Spear nor Chun Yeowun.

‘There are Flame Energy Warriors here.’

Elder Khum cautiously looked around with narrowed eyes. Suddenly, he could see that countless eyes had surrounded their building. Those eyes, shining in yellow under the moonlight, watched them closely.

‘Wh-what are they?’

‘Does the Imperial Palace have such people?’

Surrounded by humans with ominous energy, the 30 something warriors tensed up. Their hands that were gripping onto the spears tightened. Turning nervous and anxious because of an unknown enemy is a natural reaction.


At that moment, a person appeared in the middle of the yard. The moon hidden by the clouds showed up and the person’s face was dimly seen. She was a court lady wearing a red silk robe, with straight flowing white hair, and clasped hands.

“Chief Maid?”

Elder Khum opened his mouth in surprise.

Although Elder Khum was only in charge of the duties of the East Spear, he still entered the Palace for events and festivities, which was why he knew her. The identity of the court lady was Yeongwol, who was said to be the 2nd ranked Court of Lady of the Imperial Palace.

She was placed in charge of the deposit and payments of the Imperial Warehouses in case of a civil war.

‘No way!’

He couldn’t help but be surprised at what he witnessed. Standing on walls and fences, with their hands and feet placed on the ground like hunting animals, were the holders of the yellow eyes, the court ladies!

Rustle! Rustle!

Even those who were newly recruited couldn’t hide their unease. The foreign energy they sensed from the court ladies was fundamentally unknown and made them feel nervous. They weren’t ordinary court ladies anymore, they all looked unfamiliar and ambiguous.

‘ can’t be, are they the ones who are called Guardians?’

The hidden power of the Imperial Palace, the Imperial Palace Guardians.

Since infiltrating the Imperial Palace, every effort made was for the sole purpose of finding the Guardians. According to the rumors, the leaders of the Guardians had skilled members that even those from the Forces of Justice couldn’t match.

Elder Khum, who only came across East Spear and West Spear would have never in a million years thought that the Guardians would end up being the court ladies!

‘If they really are the members of the Guardian, we need to avoid fighting with them. Moreover...’

He had already lost his right arm and his internal energy was drained. He had previously decided that it would be impossible to deal with the unknown Golden Guard. It felt even more unreasonable to clash with Yeongwol, the Chief maid of the court ladies, who was exuding unfathomable energy.


Elder Khum clenched his wounded hand.

“Was the Chief Maid sent here to the Guest Hall to deliver some task?”

According to the eunuch’s rank, Elder Khum would have been on the same level as the lady. But, because of the East Spear and its effective workings, he was able to become a high ranking bureaucrat. Chief Maid of the court ladies, Yeongwol, opened her lips as she looked around.