Chapter: 723
“Treating you is important. Why guide us somewhere?”

“Please! Please just trust me! We are running out of time! Please!”

“Uh... ah, fine.”

Seeing the stubborn maid, one of the guards put her on his back and carried her. Laying on him, she pointed to the northwest direction of the Imperial Palace, and asked him to hurry. That was when the white masked guard who was following them from behind smiled wantonly.

“Sir Guard, could you run faster?”

“It won’t be pleasant with the wounds on your body, will you be okay?”

“Please don’t fret over these small wounds, and hurry up”

“Fine, hold on tight!”


The Guard picked up speed at the words of the anxious maid. The speed at which he was currently moving, was incomparable to the previous run.

‘Ah...he’s fast!’

The maid’s eyes reflected astonishment.

She knew that the Guards were being taught Martial Arts, but his energy seemed to be far above Grand Master level. She wondered how they could be trained so efficiently, but decided to ask on another occasion as she had more important things on hand right now.

“That way”

The moment the maid gave the directions, the Guard would change his direction and continue. The palace grounds were so huge, that even with him picking up speed by using his internal energy, he couldn’t reach the destination right away.

Shortly after, he reached the northwest side of the Palace.


A huge tomb-like structure stood in front of the duo. This tomb, which seemed considerably larger than the Emperor’s residence, was the royal shrine of the former Emperor. A tablet was entrench in front of the ornate shrine.

‘Why is it the Emperor’s tomb?’

The Guard couldn’t help but look puzzled as he carried the maid.

It was a foreseeable reaction. He couldn’t comprehend why the maid had asked him to bring her to the Royal Shrine of the former Emperor instead of the higher ups. And of course, the tomb was a decoy, it doesn’t possess the former Emperor’s body.

The tomb was to commemorate the 1st Emperor who founded the Daemyeong Empire.

“Why are we here?”, the guard questioned the maid in a flustered manner, when suddenly, the maid struck him.


He was unscathed because he had the armor on. The armor turned red because of her fire Qi attack. But, his safety didn’t last for long. The maid used both her hands to grab his neck.

“Cough! Wh-what are you doing?!”

“I, a maid of a Guardian, receives instructions and orders directly from His Majesty. From this moment on, you shall forget everything you witnessed now. If not, I will behead you according to the royal laws”

At the threatening voice and her choice of words, the Guard couldn’t talk back. He bowed to her orders as he wanted to keep his life.

“The Guard behind too”

“... Understood.”