Chapter: 729
“You are wasting your time here”

Shaking her head at the warnings, she entered the wall without any hesitation and was soon followed by the middle-aged man. But the moment they stepped inside, they felt a strange vibration on the floor and the wall, as if the ground was rotating.

On the other hand, the 4th underground opening, which was a long way from the 7th level, was a mess. At the bottom of the 4th underground opening, there were traces of fierce battle with numerous lifeless bodies scattered around.

It was just a rough estimate, it seemed like there were around 50 dead people. There was only one person who was still breathing in that place.

With his clothes stained in thick blood, he seemed to be doing something with the dead bodies.

Swish! Cha! Cha!

Unusually, he inflicted new wounds on the already dead bodies. Most of the bodies seemed to be dead for a few days now, and he seemed to be carving something on their bodies with their swords.

“Ugh, it’s such a mess”

It was a complaint for doing it on the body one-by-one. Since only the best of the men entered the base of the Guardian, there was no other choice but to do such tasks.

Cha! Cha! Cha! Cha!

Killing them didn’t take long, but the process of manipulating the sword on their body to carve things, took a long time. Since there were other tasks which had to be done, this man had to remain alone and clean up the mess, like a servant.

‘Even then, it is almost done’

There were another six dead bodies or so for him to get the work done. Perhaps, the Blood Master, that monster, must have already reached the place where the treasure was being hidden.

‘I need to hurry up’

He, too, was curious about the hidden treasure. As he quickly approached the next body, he felt a sudden release of energy from the common entrance, which was on the other side.

‘Is it possible to have reinforcements sent this quickly?’

It was too short of a time for reinforcements to come. With a curious feeling, he turned his head and looked at the entrance. At the entrance of the passage, a young officer clad in gold armor made an appearance.

‘A Guard?’

He thought it would be reinforcements, but only one person was sent? And the Guard was none other than Hu Bong. As Hu Bong looked at the dead bodies, he clicked his tongue.

“Wah... There are more here! This is too much... ugh?”

Hu Bong, who was shocked with the number of the corpses lying around, found a man standing among them. Pointing his finger, he shouted at the man.

“Found him! I came down 4 levels into the basement, only to barely catch you!”

Hu Bong, who was disguised as a Guard, let out a cry as the man raised his eyebrows in confusion. When he felt the energy, he thought an entire squadron of Guardians came, but it was just one person. Moreover, from feeling the energy up close of the Guard, he seemed nothing but a Grand Master level.

Although he was a strong Wulin martial arts wielder, it saddened him to know that he would have to take down the Guard, who was just maturing.

‘Ha! How dare he point a finger at me, someone who is higher than him!’

The man didn’t want to come out as cheeky or over confident. Still, just to be sure, the unknown man asked.

“Are you alone?”

“Ah, yes, I’m still single.”

The man was momentarily stunned by the absurd answer from the Guard.

“Are you trying to mess with me by using such puns?”