Chapter: 732
As commanded by the Blood Master, the Great Guardian wasn’t touched and the others were being killed, by her companions with spears Right now, including the Great Guardian, there were only eight people alive.

“Kuek... these people!”


Tears flowed from the eyes of the Guardians when he saw his companions being killed in the cruelest way possible, right in front of his eyes.

They were hoping to be killed first to avoid seeing such a scene, but it seemed that did not go as planned.

“Not many are left. They are so terrible!”

“I know...”



It was an overwhelmingly incapacitated battle, yet, not a single warrior of the Guardian stepped back and retreated. Also, it was impossible for the two intruders to stay unscathed in a battle with such skilled Guardian warriors.

They were injured, albeit, to a minor level.


Five people left. With only the five of them remaining, they were all terrified of losing the remaining companions. They were aware of what outcome would come from engaging in a battle with these enemies.


The woman held the spear in her hand and raised the other hand as she stepped forward. The hand signals were meant to deal with the people in the best way possible. The man with her nodded.

“Woohoo, you can do whatever you want with these people”

When the women’s order was told loudly, the man smiled as he walked for the remaining surviving warriors of the Guardian.

Tap! Tap! Tap!


At that time, something like mud began to fall on their heads. None of them cared, thinking that the mud-like object was falling as a result of the fierce battle happening underground, but that was when the middle-aged man, accompanying the woman, shouted.

“Blood Master! Avoid it!


At that very moment, a crack appeared as the ceiling broke and collapsed. Large pieces of rocks, comparable to huge stones, began to fall to the floor.


Shocked by the unexpected turn of events, the one with the spear, the man who accompanied Blood Master, moved forward.

Kwak! Kwak! Kwak!

He started hitting the huge rocks that were falling from the ceiling. And thanks to that, dust flew everywhere and obscured everyone’s vision.

‘Th-thank god!’

Although the place was a mess, the man with the spear sighed in relief as he managed to avoid large rocks. He couldn’t hear the voice of the Blood Master, if she was a second late in escaping the rocks, she would have been injured for sure and said something.

As the dust began to set, the man with the spear could see an outline of a figure.