Chapter: 746
The two women’s eyes found each other at the same time. They thought they attacked an opponent. They thought that the Guard was an ally to the other, but what is the new twist?
However, they realized that they both were mistaken.
“This is not a good start”
Chun Yeowun’s eyes turned serious. To avoid any more changes in the battle, the two of them decided to attack him.
When Chun Yeowun stretched out his right hand to unfold White Dragon Blade, the blade on his back suddenly appeared in his right hand. But that wasn’t the end.
Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!
When he stretched the left hand, the black irons which seemed to be protecting his wrist on both the arms disassembled, forming into a black sword, and formed in Chun Yeowun’s hand.
‘An arm of a guard turned into a sword?’
‘Who the hell is he?’
They both knew from the start that Chun Yeowun wasn’t going to be an easy opponent. And their thoughts were true.
A cold chill ran down their spines, even though the temperature of the underground was increasing. Despite the strange phenomenon the guard displayed, the long spear wrapped in the flames of Ran-yeong, which was used to attack Chun Yeowun, went to strike him.
Cha! Cha! Cha! Cha! Cha!
At that moment, Chun Yeowun, who unfolded White Dragon Blade collided, with Ran-yeong’s spear.
Cha! Cha! Cha! Cha!
‘What is this cold energy?’
Ran-yeong’s eyes shook at the blade’s movement. The skill Chun Yeowun used would release cold energy, but it wasn’t strong enough to prevent her flames, so she tried to find the loop and break his blade.
And it wasn’t just Ran-yeong who was shocked.
When the Art of Blade God was used, Blood Master wanted to slash Chun Yeowun into four pieces, but the black sword in his hand moved so quickly and eloquently and prevented the attack.
Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!
‘Did he just stop my attack without even moving?’
It was natural that she would be flustered. She wasn’t sure how, but he managed to work with two swords together, and even prevent both incoming attacks without even getting a scratch on him? He blocked both the attacks simultaneously! But that wasn’t it!
He even managed to perform such a technique while using two different energies.
‘He used both his hands to handle different energies’
Although Blood Master has been learning martial arts for a very long time, it was her first time witnessing a person unfold two entirely different energies with two hands at the same time. What was even more shocking was that the energies were high-level ones.
‘This guy... is dangerous’
‘He isn’t on the same level as us’
Although they were aiming to take down the shockingly appeared man, the women weren’t stupid. When Chun Yeowun managed to stop both their attacks, they decided to acknowledge that the man was dangerous for them to deal with.