Chapter: 767
What if he woke in the middle of the process?

His first kiss had ended up being with a woman whose body and face were covered in red scales.

Gulp! Gulp!

The Qilin’s Blood rushed into Hu Bong’s throat, and then gradually disappeared into his body.

All they could do now was hope that the blood would have the desired regenerative effect.

They didn’t have to wait long to know if it had worked.


Chun Yeowun gasped.

Hu Bong’s pale face, and his shallow breath had begun returning to normal.

His body temperature began to rise as well.

“Haaa... haaa... haaa”

Even his breathing grew deeper and more stable.

Looking down at his neck, the skin, which had been burnt by Chun Yeowun’s Qi, gradually started changing little by little.

The effects were happening a lot quicker than they’d expected.

‘If this is how effective the diluted blood is, then how great would the real blood be?’

His gaze turned towards Ran-yeong, who was covered in scales.

At that moment, Yeowun began wondering if she had consumed the real Qilin’s Blood.

Ran-yeong suddenly called for Chun Yeowun’s attention.

“Lord. Please step away from him for a moment.”


“The flames in his body will grow stronger now, I need to control it so that it doesn’t fade away.”

The woman was well aware of the changes that the diluted Qilin’s Blood caused, and its effects, probably because she had witnessed it, when the court ladies had consumed it.

That was clear when she asked Chun Yeowun for help to cool down the blood.

He himself confirmed that Hu Bong was recovering, so he nodded his head and did as she requested. The doubt in his mind had slowly begun to subside.


Ren-Yeong then made Hu Bong, who was recovering very quickly, sit cross legged with his hands behind his back.

That was when something passed through Chun Yeowun’s mind.

‘The Qilin’s Blood can regenerate a damaged body?’

His eyes hastily turned towards the pond.

The place he was looking at was the spot where the arms of Blood Master had been cut down, and her body had sunk into the pond.