Chapter: 781
“Ah! Phantom Metamorphosis!”

Ran-yeong gasped.

As if the Qilin’s Blood was insufficient, he had taken half of her flame energy. She’d thought that something huge would happen, but for it to be a metamorphosis!

Hu Bong’s entire physical structure changed, no, he looked a lot better now.

He slowly opened his eyes.

“Th-this must be a dream! My Goodness!”

The first words he uttered were of shock at him being alive.

From the moment he’d gotten engulfed in the flames, he had regained consciousness, but had decided to meditate in order to calm the energy in his body.

When Hu Bong finally opened his eyes, he was able to recognize the changes that happened to his body.

He couldn’t help but feel thrilled.

That was when someone came up to him and said



Hu Bong was shocked when Ran-yeong, whose entire body was covered with scales, approached him.

Ran-yeong looked at him with furrowed brows.

“Huh! The first words you say to the person who saved your life and made you change so much is ‘woah’?”

“Ah! Then you must be the one with the flame...”

Hu Bong had been confused as he was dying, but he was certain that he’d witnessed Ran-yeong who’d been covered in flames, kneeling and calling Chun Yeowun her Lord and Master.

Ran-yeong glanced at his body from top to bottom and spoke with a smirk on her lips.

“I guess the Phantom Metamorphosis was evenly done.”


Only after hearing those words did Hu Bong realize that he was butt naked.


A red faced Hu Bong, immediately looked for something to cover himself with, and in the direction of the entrance, he saw a bloody body with clothes on.

In a hurry, he stretched out his hands in the direction of the dead body, and as the energy rose, the body got pulled towards him.


Hu Bong looked at the man’s body, and couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.

The amount of cruelty that the body had suffered could only have been done by one person, his Lord.

“Oh oh oh! For me, he did it for me!”

“You get shocked at everything.”