Chapter: 805
Shocked, Admiral Lim knelt in front of Zhu Taiyoon.
With a voice filled with despair, he uttered.
“No, Your Highness! That can’t beee!”
If the corpses inside the Royal Shrine had scars of High Wave Sword, then it meant that the eunuchs of the East Spear were also involved in the rebellion and had helped with killing the Guardians of the Imperial Palace.
Leader Cheong-su, the member of Yulin, spoke with a voice of regret.
“Huh, I looked at around 20 bodies. It is definitely high wave swordsmanship. Admiral.”
“Leader Cheong-su! It can’t be. How can...”
“Admiral... look at these corpses. I re-checked everything, but nothing else showed up. These marks were left by your men. I saw this art at the dance ceremony in the past.”
Not long ago, after the Imperial Palace’s event was over, the East Spear, West Spear and the Guards had demonstrated their swordsmanship in front of the elders of Yulin.
There was no way that someone with a reputation as great as leader Cheong-su’s would not recognize it.
“That’s everything. Your Highness.”
At the trembling voice of the Admiral, Crown Prince Zhu Taiyoon looked at him with anger boiling on his face.
Zhu Taiyoon’s eyes were trembling.
In Zhu Taiyoon’s trembling eyes, the silently smiling face of Zhu Taikhan, the prince, could be seen.
‘Yo-you bastard!’
He was the one who was supposed to have been caught in a trap.
What did they do wrong?
Why did the marks on the corpses change from that of the Demonic Cult’s art to the Blade God Six Martial clan’s and East Spear’s arts?
Only one thing was certain.
With the testimony of Elder Cheong-su, the entire situation had turned against the Crown Prince and not Zhu Taikhan.
A trap that he, Crown Prince Zhu Taiyoon, had perfectly planned in order to ruin the Emperor’s trust in his brother, had turned into a blade that threatens to cut his own neck.
“A conspiracy! This is a conspiracy!”
Crown prince Zhu Taiyoon shouted in a trembling voice.
There was no word he could think of besides conspiracy.
Laughing inwardly at his brother, Zhu Takihan straightened his back and spoke.
“You don’t want His Majesty the Emperor to be disappointed with your act, do you? Brother Crown Prince?”
“H-His Maj-Majesty?”