Chapter: 830
As if he wasn’t done, Chun Yeowun moved his hand once more.


Fear sank into Zhu Taiyoon’s bones as he worried that something else in his body would be broken, so he cried out.

“Dooon’t! I strayed from the right path! No, No prince would break his promise! Please... please let me go! I beg of you!”

Words asking for forgiveness came out of his arrogant mouth.

He knew that arrogant words would lead to his death.

As he kept shouting for forgiveness and shedding tears, Chun Yeowun muttered to him...

“If you had continued to talk nonsense, I would have been able to cut off an arm, tch, what a pity that I didn’t get to do that.”



Just those words caused the crown prince to shiver as a chill ran down his spine.


Chun Yeowun looked at someone and opened his mouth again.

“Well, since my anger has been resolved to some extent, I will hand Your Highness over to the prince as promised.”

“Promised? Ughhh!”

His body, which was afloat, began moving.

Chun Yeowun moved his hand in a particular direction and the Crown Prince’s body followed accordingly.

Zhu Taiyoon’s body moved towards Zhu Taikhan.



He fell to the floor as the force keeping his body disappeared.

“Do whatever you want with him”

At Chun Yeowun’s words, the smile on Zhu Taikhan’s face reached his ears.

“Is your arm okay? Brother?”

His voice contained not one ounce of concern.

Rather, it was closer to sarcasm.

‘Zhu Taikhan! You! You bastard!’

Zhu Taiyoon was on the floor feeling nothing but utter disgrace, while prince Zhu Taikhan looked down on him with a pleased gaze.

‘How did I fall into such a humiliating position?’

As the situation turned against him, the Crown prince was regretting his choices.