Chapter: 861
A monster like him would be able to invade the palace and kill everyone in the Imperial family if he wanted.
A frightening reality that made his heart start to shudder.
“Well, I’m sure you know this, but the reason why the first emperor signed the treaty wasn’t because of the achievements made during the founding of the empire, but to protect himself.”
Humiliating, yet no room for objection.
However, his pride and authority as an Emperor didn’t allow this humiliation to continue.
The emperor’s face grew red with anger.
“I made a number of concessions thinking that you deserved a chance. But do you think that even after threatening me like this, you’ll be able to get out? Even if you are this strong, not everyone in your cult is like this.”
“... Your Majesty is so diplomatic even in threatening situations.”
At Chun Yeowun’s laughing words, the Emperor had an absurd expression.
He glared at Chun Yeowun and shouted.
“You are making fun of me! No matter how reckless you are, you should be well aware of the aftermath of killing me, I, this land’s Emperor!”
The confidence of an Emperor.
Probably because of all the years he had ruled over the land.
If he died immediately, a civil war would occur in order for a new government to form and for a prince to be given support as the next ruler.
If the political situation became chaotic, the west and the north, who had constantly been at war with the empire, would aim for the capital.
“You can’t threaten my life with this...”
At that moment, the sharp edge of White Dragon Blade slightly cut the emperor’s neck.
bewildered, the emperor gasped in surprise.
“uh, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Your Majesty seems to be overconfident about your existence.”
“When a tooth falls out, a new tooth emerges and takes over the role of chewing, that is how this world works. In the end, someone else will take your place.”
“Wh-what are you saying...”
Chun Yeowun noticed the trembling in the Emperor’s voice and looked over at Zhu Taikhan.
“There is a very good ‘tooth’ over there. Besides, he is a shogi horse that I can move at my will.”