Chapter: 875
The Great Leader of the Forces of Justice had noticed that the Elder’s hands were trembling.

Whilst talking about the Demonic Cult’s Lord, his hands had been trembling.

“I have seen many Demonic Cult members, but this person is different.”


“The current Lord is someone beyond the realm of human beings, maybe we should call him as God. Yes, Devil God.”

“Amitabha. Devil God? Elder Cheong-su, I honestly think you are confused since a lot of things happened, have a sip of tea...”

Elder Poong tried to calm the man who was speaking, but Elder Cheong-su got up from his seat and yelled.

“How can you people take this matter so lightly! I saw the Lord of the Demonic Cult use an invisible sword with my own eyes! Using it, he beheaded the Emperor’s Guardian Escort. He also subdued three hundred soldiers with his...”


He managed to get their attention with one word.

“Invisible sword?”

“Invisible sword!!!”

When he said that one word, all the faces inside the room hardened.

It was impossible for a martial artist to not know about the invisible sword.

A high-level technique that could only be achieved when one has achieved the legendary Divine Master level.

“Elder... are you saying that the Lord of the Demonic Cult is in Divine Master level?”

At the serious question from Yi Mok, the Elder nodded his head.

“Exactly. Chun Yeowun, the Lord of the Demonic Cult, is at the Divine Master level.”


Divine master level.

A Legendary state that every martial artist dreamed of reaching.

It was only natural for everyone to be shocked.

They’d just heard that the Lord of the Demonic Cult was at such a legendary level when no person from Yulin was.

But that shock didn’t last for very long.

An Uproar ensued almost instantly.

“Divine! What nonsense is that!”

“It is impossible to achieve the Divine master level!”

Well, it was hard to comprehend.

Even Yi Mok, the leader of the Forces of Justice, Yulin’s strongest, was experiencing an indescribable shock.

As the commotion continued, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the meeting room.